8 4 2 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 3 remitted to Mileva Einstein-Maric in U.S. dollars. The accrued dividend should be sent by check to him. TLS. [144 382]. 67. To Margarete Turnowsky Berlin, 28 May 1923 Response to Abs. 10. Apologizes for the late response, regrets that he cannot help Pes- sach Hebroni. Recommends contacting Issai Schur at the University of Berlin. TLC. [43 451]. 68. From Leopold Koppel Berlin, 28 May 1923 Acknowledges receipt of Doc. 39. Presents a letter to Stockholm [Enskilda Bank], an- other one to Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co., New York, in two copies. After having re- ceived an answer from Stockholm, recommends that Iffland be consulted regarding which securities should be bought in New York. TLS. [144 381]. 69. From Josef Weber Leipzig, 28 May 1923 Criticizes the values of Sirius’s velocity measured by Wilhelm Münch. Intends to con- tinue his evaluation of spectral data. ALS. [23 270]. 70. Ilse Einstein to Audace Publishing House Berlin, 29 May 1923 Despite having written several letters to him, Rafaele Contu has not sent the official con- tract (see Vol. 13, Abs. 341). Requests action be taken and the royalty check be sent to Berlin by regular (noncertified) mail. TLC. [42 334]. 71. Ilse Einstein to H. G. Daniels Berlin, 29 May 1923 Response to Abs. 38. Regrets that AE cannot write the article for The Times since he is overwhelmed by work and other responsibilities. TLC. [45 111]. 72. To Adolf von Harnack Berlin, 29 May 1923 A meeting in Potsdam prevents him from participating in paying homage to Adolf von Harnack [on the occasion of fiftieth anniversary of his doctorate]. Expresses his sympa- thy and admiration for Harnack’s work. ALS (GyBSA), Nachlass Harnack, Mappe Ein- stein, Bl. 1). [78 244]. 73. To Luis Molina Berlin, 29 May 1923 Expresses his thanks for the diploma attached to Abs. 56. TLC. [30 167]. 74. To Swiss Embassy Berlin, 29 May 1923 Upon their request (Abs. 14), returns the temporary passports issued by the Swiss con- sulate in Barcelona and asks to forward them to Barcelona. TLC. [29 179.15]. 75. Ilse Einstein to Vieweg Publishing House Berlin, 29 May 1923 Acknowledges receipt of Abs. 53, requests that the royalty for the Russian edition be de- posited to AE’s account at Dresdner Bank, and requests that Itelson be paid one-third of the royalties. AE is against reducing the amount of royalties, given that 8% is not a con- siderable sum. TLC. [42 153]. 76. From Helmut Bloch Berlin, 29 May 1923 If AE were to be interested in any of the electric household products listed on his letter- head, asks to be remembered. Thanks AE for Einstein 1921d. ALS. [43 281]. 77. From Maurice Solovine Paris, 30 May 1923 In reply to Doc. 34, is glad that AE enjoyed the trip to Japan and Palestine. Complains that Jews are accused of not producing anything original in the intellectual sphere. Pro- poses the publication of a series of some hundred books about the achievements of the Jewish mind over the centuries, to be published in German, English, and French, and to be distributed worldwide. Asks for AE’s support. Criticizes Henri Bergson’s philosophy. Admires AE’s ethical motives for leaving the ICIC. ALS. [21 190].