C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 3 8 4 9 bought the house in Zurich by now if the owner were not ill. Likes it here, swims regu- larly, will join AE in Lautrach, and asks for directions from Stuttgart to [Memm]ingen, where he intends to meet him on 6 August. His hands are shaking while writing since they are stiff with cold. AKS. [144 470]. 135. From Eduard Einstein Hörnum auf Sylt, 23 July 1923 The weather was so bad that they could not do anything. Asks whether the plan could be changed so that he could travel to Kiel at the end of the week, stay with AE for 10–14 days, and return to continue his treatment. Will travel via Hamburg and it would be good if AE could wait for him at the train station in Kiel. Asks that AE send a telegram. AKS. [144 471]. 136. From Vieweg Publishing House Braunschweig, 23 July 1923 According to his request of 21 July, the 9 million M royalties for Einstein 1922c were deposited into his bank account at the Dresdner Bank. TLS. [42 156]. 137. From Tomas R. Bachiller Madrid, 26 July 1923 Requests autograph, to be published by the Mathematics Society together with AE’s portrait in a special issue dedicated to AE’s visit to Spain. Also asks AE’s opinion of the attached summaries of AE’s lectures, which Bachiller had prepared for the journal El Debate. AE notes: “beantwortet. 2. August 1923.” ALS. [43 160]. 138. To Mikhail Pokrovsky [Berlin,] 27 July 1923 Sends a petition and requests assistance in acquiring materials for the Hebrew University (see Abs. 94). He has always promoted the collaboration between Russian and German scientists. ADft. [36 881]. 139. From Heinrich Loewe Berlin, 30 July 1923 Has received Abs. 94 and Abs. 138. Hopes they will act in favor of the Hebrew Univer- sity library. Acknowledges the new agreement for the income from selling the manu- script of Einstein 1916e: it will be divided in equal percentage among the university library in Jerusalem contribution to Mrs. Freundlich’s retirement, after her death to the university or university library Einstein Stiftung, and charity at AE’s disposal. Sends a copy of his letter to Sackheim ([36 862]) for review. TLS. [36 860]. 140. From Franz Selety Vienna, 30 July 1923 Continues arguing for a Newtonian cosmological model with infinite space. As long as the basic postulates of relativity lack empirical foundation, they remain hypothetical and cannot acquire higher certainty from epistemology. TLS. [20 484]. 141. To Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Berlin, 31 July 1923 In response to Abs. 117, sends names of some German intellectuals in need of assis- tance: Ms. Kamrath, Ms. Schneider, Ms. Schifferdicker, Ms. Karperschock, and the wid- ow of Hugo Buchholz. TLC. [44 808]. 142. From Morikatsu Inagaki Tokyo, [1] August 1923 They moved to Bunka-Mura and have a newborn son. Keiichi Aichi died of fish poison- ing. He left Kaizosha and founded a Society for the Study of Eternal Peace. Yamamoto has neither given a definite answer to the proposal to publish Moszkowski 1921, nor to the issue regarding Hans Mayer. ALS. [43 952]. 143. From Paul Langevin Paris, 1 August 1923 Has just arrived back home with his son Jean after a trip that lasted forty-eight hours. Before leaving again tomorrow for the Dauphiné, wishes to thank AE for the welcome accorded him and his son by AE and Elsa Einstein. Their affection and support during these three days were infinitely precious to him. ALS. [15 366].