8 5 0 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 3 144. To Abram Stolkind [Berlin,] 2 August 1923 Requests reimbursement for the damages caused to their apartment during the renova- tion work in the building. ALS. [45 081]. 145. From Institución Cultural Argentino-Germana Buenos Aires, 4 August 1923 Announces the founding of the German-Argentinian cultural institution. Solicits AE’s support and contribution by giving a few lectures. Inquires as to AE’s terms and condi- tions. TLS. [43 087]. 146. To Elisabeth (Liesel) Steiner Lautrach, [10 August 1923] Cannot invite her to Lautrach since he is a guest there himself, but they could meet with each other on the way home in Memmingen on 17th or 18th of the month. AKS. [123 076]. 147. From Friedrich Mayer Augsburg, 10 August 1923 Intends to attend a university. Upon the advice of Georg Kerschensteiner and Sebastian Finsterwalder, is preparing for a special examination, and seeks a position at a physical or astronomical institute. His knowledge in physics is poor. ALS. [44 412]. 148. From Silvio de Mayo Turnu Severin, 11 August 1923 Renews his previous request to send a scientific paper or a statement on the Hebrew Uni- versity to be published in Alt-Neuland. ALS. [36 865]. 149. From Sanehiko Yamamoto Tokyo, 14 August 1923 Solicits an article for Kaizo. Suggests two topics: “The Future of Europe” or “My Travel to the East.” TLS. [36 429]. 150. To Paul Langevin Lautrach, 18 August 1923 Asks whether Langevin would agree to cooperate with Anschütz-Kaempfe and his com- pany in acoustical scanning of the seabed. Is returning to Berlin and will perform exper- iments on space charge. ALSX. [15 367]. 151. From Hans Pettersson Gothenburg, 18 August 1923 Thanks for AE’s comments at the Skandinaviska Naturforskaremötet in Gothenburg, which helped him obtain a leave to carry out research in Vienna with Gerhard Kirsch and Hans Geiger on the artificial disintegration of atoms. He must, however, apply for funds in Sweden to purchase instruments. Requests recommendation. Sends their research program, an offprint of Pettersson 1923, and promises Kirsch and Pettersson 1923. TLS. [44 652]. 152. From Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Berlin, 20 August 1923 Thanks AE for Abs. 141 and requests further names of approximately 20–30 intellectu- als to be assisted by the American Assistance for Families of German and Austrian Sci- entists and Teachers, located in Chicago. TLS. [44 809]. 153. From Luther C. Goodrich Beijing, 24 August 1923 Has received AE’s letter concerning Gu Hongming (Ku Hung Ming), but believes that AE was misinformed. Hung Ming is living in comfortable circumstances and is not in need of any assistance. TLS. [44 236]. 154. To the Executive Committee of the Conférence Universelle Juive de Secours [Berlin,] 26 August 1923 Has heard from Esther Eliaschoff about the committee’s good work. Expresses thanks for their support of university courses in Kaunas-Kowno that aim at making the Jews in- tellectually independent. ALS. [91 218].
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