8 5 2 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 3 text would be published in the Neue Rundschau. Sends regards to Ilse and Margot. IE notes: “Beantw. am 23./X.23.” TLS. [41 926]. 166. Dresdner Bank Statement to “Adolf Einstein” Berlin, 20 September 1923 According to AE’s instructions, 100,000,000 M ($1 at the contemporary rate) has been paid to Margot Einstein. ADS. [44 812]. 167. From Edmund Schopen Godesberg, 20 September 1923 Encloses a circular letter. Hopes to be able to inform AE soon about the preparatory steps for the foundation of an organization. ALS. [45 006]. 168. From Svante Arrhenius [Stockholm,] 21 September 1923 Believes many would be interested in having a copy of AE’s Nobel lecture. Wonders whether AE would give him permission to handle the issue. The royalties would be awarded to the Nobel Institute. ALS. [6 359]. 169. From the Amsterdam Studentenvereeniging (Natuur-Philosophische Faculteit) Amsterdam, 22 September 1923 Invitation to lecture on any topic of AE’s choosing at the universities of Amsterdam, Leyden, Utrecht, and Groningen, and the Delft University of Technology. Ask about AE’s financial terms. IE notes: “Beantw. am 17. X. 23.” TLS. [43 052]. 170. Ilse Einstein to the General Secretary of Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Berlin, 24 September 1923 In response to Abs. 156, AE cannot propose new persons in need of support. Proposes again that the widow of Hugo Buchholz receive financial help or a donation of clothing or food. ADft. [44 811]. 171. From the editorial office of Menschen und Menschenwerke Vienna, 24 September 1923 Requests a photo, a biography, and an original article. IE notes: “beantw. am 26. X. 23.” TLS. [44 435]. 172. From Carl Runge Göttingen, 26 September 1923 The Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen has elected AE as an external mem- ber in its 24 July 1923 session. Assuming that AE will accept, sends the certificate. TLS. [30 184]. 173. From Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe Lautrach, 27 September 1923 Thanks for Doc. 110. Siemens will try to improve the electronic amplifier tubes for the control of the follow-up motor of the gyrocompass. Invites AE and his sons for the next summer in Lautrach and AE for the end of November in Kiel. ALS. Lohmeier and Schell 2005, pp. 191–192. [37 387]. 174. From Heinz Quint Vienna, 30 September 1923 Claims that AE’s explanation of the relativity of simultaneity in Einstein 1905r and 1917a, chap. IX, lacks precision, and this is the reason why Max von Laue discussed the relativistic addition of velocities inadequately in Laue 1911. Requests a clarification. IE notes: “Beantw. am 20. X. 23.” TLS. [44 702]. 175. From Hans Joachim Berlin, [October 1923] Presents an abstract of his manuscript. Because the geometry of space is determined by the matter in it (Riemann), and matter consists of quanta (Planck), an approach to the unification of relativity and quantum theory offers itself by abandoning the hypothesis of a continuous character of space. He adds physical and geometrical arguments, and suggests replacing function theory with arithmetical methods. ALS. [13 441].