C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 3 8 5 1 155. From Nora Block Pellworm, 28 August 1923 Thanks AE for his letter to Rockefeller Foundation in Beijing concerning Ku Hung- Ming. Informs AE of Leonard Nelson’s letter to the same institute. ALS. [44 235]. 156. From Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Berlin, 30 August 1923 Following up on the president’s letter (Abs. 152), asks to limit the number of recommen- dations to between five and ten people. TLS. [44 810]. 157. From Camillus Brandhuber Benzingen, 31 August 1923 Is disappointed that he will not see AE. Would have liked to discuss the places AE vis- ited and the people he met. Is upset that democracy is losing ground in Germany while right-wing extremism is on the rise. ALS. [43 350]. 158. From Hans M. Hansen Copenhagen, 1 September 1923 Solicits an abstract of AE’s lecture delivered at the first session [10 July] of the Skandi- naviska Naturforskaremötet in Gothenburg to be published in Danish in a special issue of Fysisk Tidsskrift. IE notes: “Beantw. im Nov. I.” ALS. [43 854]. On the verso, she notes: “Nature, im Inhalte übereinstimmt, von Prof. E. selbst geschrieben.” (See Doc. 123). [43 855]. 159. From Nobel Committee for Physics Stockholm, 1 September 1923 Requests proposals for the 1924 Nobel Prize. PLS. Swedish original [30 048], English translation [30 047]. 160. From Wilhelm Westphal Zehlendorf, 3 September 1923 Having been a pacifist for a while, asks AE which organization would be the best to join. AE most probably knows that [James] Franck has been offered a professorship in Berlin. Doesn’t believe he will accept. TLS. [23 420]. 161. From Josef Weber Göttingen, 10 September 1923 In a letter of early July, AE had expressed his doubts about the method of binaries pro- posed in Abs. 93. All the same, he will look for American data on useful binaries. ALS. [23 272]. 162. From [Karl von] Wiegand (Hotel Bristol) [Berlin, 11 September 1923] Hearst Press in New York requests statement on the results of the solar eclipse observa- tion made yesterday. Tgm. [45 243]. 163. To [Karl von] Wiegand [Kiel, after 11 September 1923] “Verlauf unbekannt Ergebnisse erst später beurteilbar.” ADftS on the verso of Abs. 162. [45 244]. 164. From Esther Eliaschoff Berlin, 12 September 1923 Reminds AE that due to his support the Jewish College Courses in Kaunas-Kowno have received $3,500 from the American Joint Distribution Committee (see Vol. 13, Abs. 417 and 509). Nevertheless, J. L Magnes had promised $7,500. Has spoken with Bernhard Kahn, the representative of the Joint in Europe, who has promised to remit another $2,000. Asks AE to convince Kahn to remit $4,000 to the school. ALS. [44 052]. 165. From Rudolf Kayser Berlin, 17 September 1923 Has heard from Russian sources about the current fervid discussion in Russia on wheth- er the theory of relativity is based on a positivist or an idealist world-view or, in general, whether the physical-mathematical foundation is more important than philosophical points of departure. Wonders whether AE will write an article on this topic for the Mos- cow journal Rossiia. The honorarium would be 2 British pounds per sheet. The German