8 5 4 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 3 185. To Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften in Göttingen Berlin, 17 October 1923 Accepts their election as an external member as stated in Abs. 172 (in IE’s hand). P.S.: Wants to let them know that he already is a member and has been receiving the Göttinger Nachrichten and does not want to be elected for a second time (in AE’s hand). ALS. [82 162]. 186. Ilse Einstein to Abraham Schwadron Berlin, 17 October 1923 On AE’s behalf sends the enclosed piece of writing. ALSX. [120 754]. 187. From Macmillan & Co. London, 17 October 1923 Regrets to learn from IE’s postcard that AE has received only one-sixth of the amount sent to him for Einstein 1923s (Doc. 123) via the German postal authorities and will re- mit to him in the future by sending an English check. TLS. [42 209]. 188. From Josef Weber Göttingen, 18 October 1923 Lists five binaries that seem useful candidates in searching for their gravitational red- shift. Will request more exact data from American astronomers. ALS. [23 273]. 189. To Luther C. Goodrich [Berlin,] 22 October 1923 In response to Abs. 153, apologizes for the trouble and thanks for the information. AL, fragment in IE’s hand. [44 237]. 190. From “OSE” Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsschutz der Juden, e. V. Berlin, 22 October 1923 Thanks AE for accepting the offer conveyed by Rosenthal and Neustätter to become the honorary president of OSE. TLS. [30 185]. 191. From Heinz Quint Vienna, 23 October 1923 In answering AE’s letter of 20 October 1923, claims that AE’s proof that for two veloc- ities in the same reference system, one should use the classical addition formula is wrong and argues that only the relativistic one is valid. TLS. [44 703]. 192. From G. van Rijnberk and Constant C. Delprat Amsterdam, 25 October 1923 The Genootschap ter Bevordering van Natuur-, Genees- en Heelkunde te Amsterdam has awarded gold medals to AE and H. A. Lorentz at its 22 October 1923 session. Invite AE to attend the ceremony at which Johannes D. van der Waals [Jr.] will present the medals on 31 October. TLS. [30 187]. 193. Ilse Einstein to [Heinrich Loewe] Berlin, 26 October 1923 On AE’s behalf, forwards two letters regarding the Günzburg library. ALSX. [121 606]. 194. From the Auswärtiges Amt Berlin, 26 October 1923 Enclosed sends a copy of a report from the German general consulate in Shanghai on books on relativity recently published in Chinese translation ([43 158]). Complimentary copies are attached. Understands from the phone conversation that AE intends to donate them to Berlin University’s Department of Oriental Languages. Will forward them per- sonally. TLS. [43 157]. 195. From the Swiss Embassy in Berlin Berlin, 26 October 1923 On behalf of the Basler Staatsbürgerkurse asks whether AE could deliver a lecture on his latest research. AE can determine the time and the topic. IE notes: “Beantw. 29. X. 23.” TLS. [43 194]. 196. To Genootschap ter Bevordering van Natuur-, Genees- en Heelkunde te Amsterdam Berlin, 29 October 1923 In reply to Abs. 192, is glad to have been awarded the medal but is unable to participate in the ceremony. PLS. [93 983].
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