8 5 6 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 3 205. From Carl Habig Bergisch Gladbach, 12 November 1923 In reply to AE’s card, continues arguing for his statement that light propagates with in- finite velocity in a vacuum. Measurements by Foucault, Fizeau, and Römer are not valid arguments against it because they were not performed in vacuum. ALS. [43 823]. 206. From the Consul of Ecuador Hamburg, 13 November 1923 On behalf of Latin American consulates, informs AE that the plight of German children has prompted them to organize a fund-raising dinner, under the auspices of Mayor Otto Stolten and Senator Max Schramm, to be held on 1 December at the Hotel Atlantic in Hamburg. The proceeds will be used solely for Christmas presents for German children. Asks for a signed book to be sold at the fund-raising dinner. TLS. [44 252]. 207. From Tadahiko Kubota Sendai, 13 November 1923 Is glad to have made AE’s acquaintance in Japan. Asks whether the circumference of a rotating disk is not larger than 2πr as AE states in Einstein 1922c but smaller, when re- ferred to a rest system. Requests offprints of AE’s paper on relativity theory published in the Jahresberichte der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung and asks him also to have Grossmann send him an offprint of his work on relativity. IE notes: “beantw. am 27. XII. 23.” ALS. [44 225]. 208. From the Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft Berlin, 14 November 1923 In response to AE’s letter of 2 November (see Abs. 199), clarifies that the recent autho- rization constitutes a credit that AE can utilize at any time. IE notes: “Beantw. am 24. XI. 23. Ueberweisung von 50 Goldmark an Grommer.” TLS. [11 427]. 209. From Seijiro Kawashima [?, before 15 November 1923] Proposes to substitute the theory of world ether for the hypothesis of absolute electrons. Requests opinion. TLS, fragment. [43 679.1]. 210. Ilse Einstein to Berlin-Schöneberg Office of Taxation [Berlin,] 15 November 1923 In reply to Abs. 202, points to the finance minister’s decree to exempt Nobel Prize mon- ey from taxation, as it was the previous year. Therefore there is no need for AE to appear in court, and the case should definitely be closed. As to the 40,000 M, AE never received it since the mark lost its real value after AE’s return from Japan at the end of March. En- closes documentation for AE’s earnings from publications in the amount of 408,877 M. Requests that the letters and the divorce decree be returned to AE. ADft. [43 679]. 211. From Reginald O. Herzog Berlin, 19 November 1923 Thanks for the letter of 7 November. Apologizes for the late reply. He was sick and [Her- mann] Mark was out of town. Requests reimbursement for the costs of Mark’s experi- ment (see Doc. 125). Asks for the reference to AE’s work in which he calculated the fil- tration velocity (Einstein and Mühsam 1923 [Doc. 72]). TLS. [17 082]. 212. From Chaim Weizmann Oakwood, 19 November 1923 Thanks AE for Doc. 133. Happy that AE is prepared to join the Jewish Agency. About to depart for an extended stay in the U.S. The Hebrew University’s science institutes will open on Mount Scopus in May 1924. Invites AE to their inauguration. ALS. [33 367]. 213. From Keren Hayesod, Main Bureau [London], 20 November 1923 On the occasion of Chaim Weizmann’s fiftieth birthday, his important speeches will be compiled and published in German, Yiddish, and French. Asks AE to write a preface. Sends a copy of Weizmann 1923. TLC. [91 603].