8 5 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 3 224. From the Wirtschaftspolitische Gesellschaft Berlin, 5 December 1923 Upon the request of British friends, asks AE for a 3–4 page article on his research for the interested British public. IE notes: “beantw. 4. I. 24.” TLS. [45 265]. 225. From the Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Berlin, 7 December 1923 For the International Red Cross, requests a 3–4 page report on the serious hardships of German scientists. IE notes: “beantw. am 14. XII. 23.” TLS. [44 815]. 226. From Arnold Sommerfeld Munich, 11 December 1923 Thanks for Einstein 1922c, which will help him with his own lectures. Is taking steps to help Friedrich Mayer, from whom he is expecting a paper. Mayer cannot even afford tak- ing the trip to Munich. Will recommend him for the Bergmann-Heim in Kiel, where he can have a free education. Will at the same time write to Walther Kossel. AKS. Einstein and Sommerfeld 1968, p. 101. [21 348]. 227. To Wander de Haas [Leyden,] 12 December 1923 Thanks for the invitation but his route from Leyden to Berlin will not pass through Groningen. Promises to visit them in May. ALS. [71 085]. 228. From the Association of Jewish Students of the Lwów Polytechnic Lwów, 12 December 1923 Have elected AE as their first honorary member. Attach annual report and a short ac- count of the goals of the Association. TLS. [30 186]. 229. To Hillel Zlatopolsky Berlin, 15 December 1923 Thanks for the endowment with which David Günzburg’s library could be acquired. De- liberates on its value for preserving the culture of oriental peoples. TLS. [121 607]. 230. To the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Institution of Great Britain Leyden, 16 December 1923 Thanks for being elected member (see Abs. 221). His reply was delayed because he waited for the diploma, which has not yet arrived. ALS. [75 523]. 231. From Constant C. Delprat Amsterdam, 16 December 1923 Requests the text of AE’s speech delivered at the award ceremony of Genootschap ter Bevordering van Natuur-, Genees- en Heelkunde te Amsterdam in order to give a correct account of it in their journal. ALS. [43 741]. 232. From the Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft Berlin, 20 December 1923 Upon AE’s request have transferred 227 gold marks to Reginald Herzog and 150 gold marks to Hermann Mark (see Abs. 211). TLS. [17 084]. 233. From D. Herlitz (Keren Hayesod, Central Europe Bureau) Berlin, 23 December 1923 Has been informed by the main bureau of the Keren Hayesod of its request to AE (Abs. 213). Asks whether AE is ready to write the foreword. TLC. [92 436]. 234. To André Metz [Berlin, before 25 December 1923] Congratulates Metz on the “small book” that has filled a real need. The presentation of the theory is excellent in its brevity and pithiness. The refutation of other authors is con- scientious and entirely correct. Sends warm regards, also to H. Becquerel and P. Lan- gevin. PTrL. Revue des questions scientifiques 5 (1924): 255. [94 949].