C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 3 1 9 2 4 8 5 9 235. From André Metz Paris, 25 December 1923 Requests permission to reproduce AE’s letter in which he expressed his positive opinion of Metz 1923. “Beantw. am 17. I. 24. I.” ALS. [18 249]. 236. From D. Herlitz (Keren Hayesod, Central Europe Bureau) Berlin, 27 December 1923 Thanks for the manuscript of Einstein 1924b (Doc. 185) requested in Abs. 233. Returns a writing that was inadvertently sent with the manuscript. TLS. [44 111]. 237. To Constant C. Delprat Berlin, 28 December 1923 In response to Abs. 231 in IE’s hand, sends the manuscript of Einstein 1924c (Doc. 177). His lecture was improvised, since he did not know in advance that he would be asked to deliver one. Is ready to make any changes. ALS. [94 882]. 238. From José Arce and Mauricio Nirenstein Buenos Aires, 31 December 1923 Invites AE to deliver a series of around twelve lectures at the University of Buenos Aires. TLS. [43 094]. 239. From Gauthier-Villars Paris, 31 December 1923 Transferring 189.94 French francs for the French editions of Einstein 1920j and 1921c. AD. [67 877]. 240. [Devotion to scientific studies] 1924 On the importance of devotion and curiosity for scientific studies. AKS. Summary list- ing only. PD (Stargard Auction Catalog, Marburg, 8–9 April 1986, lot 326). [79 080]. 241. [On the importance of Palestine for Jews] 1924 “No human society can stay healthy without a common goal. This must be taken into consideration in order to understand the supreme importance of Palestine for all Jews.” Original in German. ADS. Sotheby Auction Catalog, December 1992, lot 86. [79 235]. 242. Statement on the League of Nations 1924 ADS. Summary listing only. American Book Prices Current (1960–1965), p. 1891. [76 761]. 243. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 1 January 1924] Has found joy in the new discoveries by N. Bohr, L. Brillouin, and A. Smekal relating to light scattering. Asks whether AE is going to the U.S. next winter. He himself may do so in 1926/27. Discusses pernicious proliferation of poison gas manufacturing. Is con- cerned that the League of Nations refuses to take a stand against the production of tetra- ethyl lead as an additive to gasoline, for fear of not offending large U.S. oil companies such as Standard Oil. ALS. Schulmann 2012, pp. 401–403. [40 033]. 244. From Reginald O. Herzog Berlin, 3 January 1924 Expresses thanks for 227 gold marks that AE transferred in response to his request in Abs. 211. TLS. [17 083]. 245. The editorial office of Menschen und Menschenwerke to Ilse Einstein Vienna, 4 January 1924 Requests a better photo of AE, since the one received is not suitable. Points to a misun- derstanding in regard to the article requested in Abs. 171. What is required is not one about AE, but one by him. Nevertheless, the suggestion of Hans Thirring as an alterna- tive is welcomed, and he will be asked to compose a short biography of AE. The article
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