C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 8 6 3 277. From Heinz Quint Vienna, 30 January 1924 Criticizes in detail Max von Laue’s claim (in Laue 1911) that for two velocities in the same reference system the classical addition law is valid. IE notes: “Karte, dass Beant- wortung aus Zeitmangel nicht mehr möglich. 5. II. 24.” TLS. [44 707]. 278. From Franz Boas New York, 31 January 1924 AE’s letter of 3 January addressed to the Staatszeitung has been sent to him. Despite great distress and great demands, committees formed in New York and Chicago as well as the Rockefeller Foundation are trying their utmost to provide support for German physicians and German medicine by supporting scientific work. TLS. [43 302]. 279. From Jacques Loeb New York, 31 January [1924] Has received a telegram from Abraham Flexner that the International Education Board has approved $500 annually for the next two years. His son will visit Germany with his wife and would like to meet [James] Franck and will try to see Paul Langevin in Paris. His son has been attacked by Philipp Lenard and his students. Russian physicist [Petr] Lazarev has visited Loeb recently. ALS. [15 190]. 280. From Heinz Quint Vienna, 31 January 1924 In his letter of 20 October 1923, AE had shown that two velocities in the same reference system add according to the classical rule. Presents a proof that for this case the relativ- istic addition theorem must be used instead, in contradiction to what is claimed in Laue 1911. TLS. [44 706]. 281. Ilse Einstein to Heinrich Loewe Berlin, 1 February 1924 On behalf of AE sends the enclosed letter asking to take care of the issue and inform Korteweg. Thanks in advance. ALS. IsTABA, Heinrich Löwe Archives. [67 341]. 282. From Wallace Buttrick North Tarrytown, 2 February 1924 Has the pleasure to inform AE that at the suggestion of Jacques Loeb, the International Education Board has decided to award a sum of $500 annually for the next two years for a mathematical assistant (see also Abs. 279). Sends the first remittance for $250 the rest will be sent every six months. The German Committee appointed by the Division of Medical Education of the Rockefeller Foundation has made arrangements with the Ger- man government to exempt such appropriations from income tax. Asks AE to confer with Heinrich Poll, the secretary of the committee. TLC. [71 595]. 283. From Montague D. Eder London, 4 February 1924 Has received Abs. 275. Thanks for the willingness to support the acquisition of the ex- port permission for the Günzburg collection. It is not clear yet who will travel to Russia. Has asked friends and is waiting for a response. The person will meet with AE first to discuss the content of the letter of recommendation. TLS. [36 872]. 284. From Archibald Henderson [Berlin, before 5 February 1924] Sends the current copy of International Book Review containing his review of Poor 1924a. Poor has attacked AE and relativity in The Forum, New York. Has been asked as an American authority on relativity to reply to Poor in the same magazine. Sends the manuscript of Poor 1924b, asks to read it carefully and to send comments. Poor does not consider the redshift to which St. John and Evershed have made important contributions.