8 6 4 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 Wishes to draw attention to the new proof of the test and the experiments of Pérot, Fabry, and Buisson. IE notes: “Beantw. am 5. II. 24, I.” [12 182]. 285. To Archibald Henderson Berlin, 5 February 1924 Thanks for Poor 1924b and Henderson 1924 (see Abs. 284). Considers Henderson’s ar- ticle good, despite the fact that it does not properly clarify the ideas for laypeople. As to Poor’s article, he does not spend time commenting on articles whose authors do not have the proper expertise. LSX in IE’s hand. [12 183]. 286. From Friedrich Mayer Augsburg, 5 February 1924 In reply to AE’s letter of 26 January informs AE that Prof. Eichinger advised him to pre- pare for an examination, and spend a semester at the university. To continue his studies, he is ready to give private lessons, ALS. [44 414]. 287. From the Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft Berlin, 5 February 1924 Following the request sent on 30 January, transfers 100 gold marks from AE’s credit at the Elektro-Physik-Ausschuss to Jakob Grommer. TKS. [11 429]. 288. James B. Wharton to Ilse Einstein Berlin, 5 February 1924 Writes to Ilse Einstein because she “speaks more English” than AE, and also because it was Ilse who arranged an interview for him and his friend Miss Jordan at AE’s home the previous Tuesday. Has written the interview and sent it off to America. However, would like to know whether AE is prepared to comment on the rumor that he plans to leave for Jerusalem because of the anti-Semitic sentiments in Berlin, which even he, during his short stay there, felt to be quite strong. IE notes: “Beantw. am 9. II. 24.” TLS. [45 242]. 289. From the New Zealand Institute Wellington, 6 February 1924 Has the pleasure of informing AE that at the annual meeting of the board of governors of the New Zealand Institute held on the 29 January, AE was elected honorary member of the Institute. Will send the annual volume of the transactions of the Institute in August. TLS. [30 189]. 290. From Henry Goldman New York, 7 February 1924 Thanks on his and his wife’s behalf for the etching of AE. Hopes to visit AE in Berlin around Easter. TLS. [43 765]. 291. From Roberto Marcolongo Naples, 7 February 1924 Is very grateful for AE’s acceptance of the invitation to give a lecture on relativity at the International Congress of Philosophy in Naples in May. It will be the high point of the conference. Hopes that AE has not forgotten him and his popular book on relativity that he gave him in 1921 in Bologna. Draws AE’s attention to some papers by La Rosa. ALS. [44 514]. 292. To Max Bacher, Max Eitingon, Erich Mendelsohn, Alfred Landsberg [et al.] Berlin, 8 February 1924 Extends an invitation to his home, where on 16 February Kurt Blumenfeld will lecture on the intellectual, political, and economic prerequisites for the colonization of Palestine by the Jews. TLS. [81 637], [94 950]. [43 296], [78 661]. 293. From Heinz Quint Vienna, 8 February 1924 AE’s refusal did not surprise him. Whether AE’s definition of simultaneity is correct is left open. Now feels closer to AE on a personal level because he no longer considers him