C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 8 7 5 dividuals. The scientific libraries also have permission to sell duplicates. The export of books, however, will be supervised by a special committee, which does not permit ex- porting more than one hundred books without paying customs. Moreover, the removal of rare books and manuscripts is prohibited. It is advisable to secure a special permis- sion. In regard to the Günzburg library, the Commissariat for the People's Education will come to a resolution after receiving the opinion of the specialist. TLC. [121 630]. 399. To Alfred Landé Berlin, 6 July 1924 Recommends Walther Gerlach or Peter Pringsheim as successor to Friedrich Paschen. For a specialist in spectroscopy for Tübingen, recommends Walter Grotrian or Walther Meissner. ALS. [121 454]. 400. From [Springer Publishing House] [Berlin,] 7 July 1924 Einstein 1925a (Doc. 282) is set, the manuscript and the galleys have been sent. Asks to send them back when he has reviewed them. TLC (GyHeidS, E-12, Akte Eddington). [74 522]. 401. From Henryk Doktorowicz [Warsaw?, 8 July 1924] Acknowledges the receipt of AE’s letter dated 15 July. Does not consider Kowno a suit- able site for the Jewish university, because the state of Lithuania does not rest on a stable foundation, the authorities cannot be trusted, and the Lithuanians are anti-Semitic. Pro- poses to appeal to the Bohemian minister of foreign affairs, Edvard Beneš, with the re- quest to permit a site for the university in Karlovy Vary or Plzen . Prepared to conduct negotiations if authorized by AE. ALS. [43 560]. 402. To M[ax Mordechai] Hecker Berlin, 9 July 1924 Recommends mathematician Israel Wolfson from Mariampol, Lithuania, for a position at the Technion in Haifa. ALSX. [120 782]. 403. From Chaim Weizmann Oakwood, 9 July 1924 Urges AE to participate in a meeting concerning the university and the Palestine problem (see Abs. 386). ALS (IsReWW). [71 102]. 404. From Hendrik A. Lorentz Haarlem, 11 July 1924 Is glad that AE has agreed to rejoin the ICIC. Looks forward to seeing AE again in Ge- neva. ALSX. [16 568]. 405. From Heinrich Loewe Berlin, 16 July 1924 Is not sure whether Weizmann in London has received a copy of Abs. 94. Sends a copy of the letter he has received from Israel Cohen ([121 631]), who forbids him to take any additional steps in regard to the Günzburg library. Appreciates AE’s efforts and blames the bureaucracy in London. TLC. [121 634]. 406. To Franz Rusch [Berlin,] 18 July 1924 Advises to give him as reference, and to mention in the applications that he worked with him in Zurich (see Vol. 5, Doc. 207). AKSX. [44 831]. 407. From Inazo Nitobe Geneva, 18 July 1924 The chairman of the ICIC invites AE to attend the meetings of the bibliography subcom- mittee on 23 and 24 July. TTrTgm. [84 683]. 408. To Inazo Nitobe [Berlin,] 19 July 1924 Arrives on 20 July. Tgm (SzGeBNU, SzGLN, R1034/13C/36120X/14297). [82 848]. 409. Siegfried Jacoby (secretary) to Francis M. Denton Berlin, 24 July 1924 Has received the note of 23 February and apologizes for the late reply. AE gives permis- sion to use his portrait in Denton 1924. TLSX. [43 519].