8 7 6 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 410. From Ferdinand Springer [Berlin,] 24 July 1924 Has been informed by [Arnold] Berliner that AE agrees to his keeping the manuscript of Einstein 1925a (Doc. 282). Expresses his thanks. TLS. [74 523]. 411. From the Eidgenössisches Politisches Departement, Abteilung für Auswärtiges Bern, 25 July 1924 Denies AE’s request for a diplomatic passport. TLS. [29 179.16]. 412. From Pedro Guesalaga Berlin, 26 July 1924 Has received the correspondence of 24 July in addition to the two enclosed letters and has forwarded the correspondence, with its Spanish translation, to the University of Bue- nos Aires, and the letter to Asociación Hebraica in Buenos Aires. TLS. [43 099]. 413. From the International Education Board [New York,] 1 August 1924 Have appropriated an additional annual sum of $200 for two years, making an annual total of $700 for two years, beginning 1 February 1924, for a mathematical assistant for AE’s work on the quantum theory. TLS. [71 604]. 414. From Sonia Getzowa Bern, 1 August 1924 Had been offered a position for anatomic pathology by Leonid Dolshansky, Jerusalem, and [Simon M.] Tannenbaum, the new director of Hadassah, but the offer was retracted. Asks AE to intervene on her behalf. TTrL. [89 094]. 415. From Georges Oprescu Geneva, 1 August 1924 The ICIC, at its July meeting, acknowledged the generous gift made by the Italian Red Cross to Russian intellectuals and has instructed that the funds be distributed without any political considerations. The Comité de Direction de l’Office will contact AE to de- cide on the distribution of these funds, and asks that AE contact Tatiana Ehrenfest-Afa- nassjewa, who is best informed on the situation of Russian intellectuals. Requests that AE send clarifying details to Gonzague de Reynold. TLS. [82 790]. 416. From Boris Schatz Jerusalem, 3 August 1924 Requests again the previously promised oil painting or a marble or bronze statue to be placed with the portraits of great Jewish men in the hall of the Bezalel National Museum. IE notes: “Ask Orlik to send an etching to Bezalel.” ALS. [43 265]. 417. From Georges Oprescu Geneva, 7 August 1924 Has been unable to find Paul Ehrenfest’s address, and encloses the letter meant for him. TLC. [82 788]. 418. From Carl Beck [On board S. S. “Majestic,”] 13 August 1924 Reports on his numerous meetings in Germany and other European countries and dis- cussions with physicians regarding his plan for a “science exchange.” Has met in Geneva with William Welch of Johns Hopkins University. Was very impressed with the scientif- ic lectures in Innsbruck. His ideas were especially well received in Paris, in contrast to Germany. ALS. [43 221]. 419. From Heinrich Loewe 13 August 1924 Has been informed that J. L. Magnes, with the consent of the Zionist Executive, London, will handle the issue of the Günzburg library from Jerusalem. Asks whether AE has re- ceived any response from Russia. TTrL. [121 634.1].
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