C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 8 7 9 440. From Leo Kohn London, 22 September 1924 Requests information about the Günzburg library. Has decided to send a representative to Moscow and wants to make preparations for the mission. With reference to the letter of 31 July concerning the Institute for Jewish Studies at the Hebrew University, the fol- lowing scholars are ready to take up teaching positions there for two years: M[ichael] Guttmann (Rabbinerseminar, Breslau), [Max] L. Margolis (Dropsie College, Philadel- phia), Louis Ginsberg (Jewish Theological Seminary, New York), Rabbi S[hmuel] Klein (Nove Zamky), Immanuel Loew (Szeged, Hungary), [Chaim] N. Bialik, Ch[aim] Heller (Berlin), and [Eugen] Mittwoch (Berlin). Chaim Weizmann and Israel S. Wechsler are in Jerusalem to solve some of the issues concerning the opening of the science institute in early winter. TLS. [36 876]. 441. From Samuel Untermyer New York, 24 September 1924 Thanks AE for his condolence letter of 30 August (correct date 8 September) for his wife’s death (Abs. 427). His son Alvin Untermyer will handle the request. TLS. [45 161]. 442. From Alfred Sieck Liverpool, 25 September 1924 Asks for AE’s opinion on his paper proving that π = 3.1421356…. ALS. [44 895]. 443. From A[braham?] Dubin Paris, 31 September 1924 Is pleased to send a photo of AE in Innsbruck, taken on their joint train trip on 24 Sep- tember from Vienna to Innsbruck. Would be grateful to receive news, and encloses his address in Buenos Aires. AKSX. [43 588]. 444. From Friedrich Mayer Augsburg, 2 October 1924 Has discussed the possibility of studying at a university or a technical institution with the theoretician of the Maschinenfabrik Augsburg, [Joseph] Geiger. He would have to give up his position in order to study full time. Requests AE’s opinion. ALS. [44 415]. 445. From Moritz Schlesinger Berlin, 6 October 1924 Thanks AE for his letter of 12 September in which he was informed that the Russisches Wissenschaftliches Institut, which is being supported by the Berlin representative of the League of Nations, is also on the list of those to be supported by the funds [from the Italian Red Cross] available to AE. Will leave for Moscow the following week. Asks to contact his deputy, Alexander I. Shcherbatskoy, at the Vertretung des Völkerbundes für Russische Flüchtlings-Angelegenheiten. IE notes: “6500 Russ. Akadem.” TLS. [44 853]. 446. From Semyon (Simon) Stern Paris, 6 October 1924 The Comité russe en France de secours aux populations prouvées par la famine en Russie has learned that the ICIC has placed 100,000 lire at AE’s disposal to help Russian intellectuals in need. Introduces the Comité and offers its cooperation in the distribution of the money. TLS. [44 848]. 447. From Alfred C. Elsbach Oss, 9 October 1924 Thanks for Einstein 1924n (Doc. 321). ALS. [9 214]. 448. From Georges Oprescu Geneva, 9 October 1924 On behalf of Gonzague de Reynold, requests a reply to Abs. 415 and awaits information on the Russian intellectuals who will benefit from the donation of the Italian Red Cross. TLS. [44 742]. 449. From Heinrich Loewe [Berlin,] 10 October 1924 Has received copies of Docs. 280 and 301. Proposes a meeting with Oscar Cohn and Benzion Katz on 16 October in AE’s apartment to prepare a report for London. TLCX. [121 641].