8 8 0 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 450. From Emil Scheu Oranienburg, 10 October 1924 Has learned from IE’s letter of 24 July that his letter of 9 July has been forwarded to AE in Geneva. Attaches a research report on his “epoch-making” information on the mole- cule of pure H2O. Is severely disabled. Asks for a recommendation to a laboratory. Shorthand note reply. ALS. [44 948]. 451. From Max von Laue Berlin, 11 October 1924 Invites the Direktorium of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physics to a meeting on 15 October. Agenda: (1) Nomination of Friedrich Paschen as a member of the Kuratori- um (2) Stipend for Carl Bormuth for his research of infrared spectra. Funds have be- come available after Leo Szilard was appointed Assistent to Laue at the University of Berlin. The meeting will be followed by a joint meeting of the Direktorium and the Ku- ratorium, with Friedrich Schmidt-Ott as chair, to discuss Wilhelm Wien’s request for funds to purchase an electromagnet. TLS. [40 155]. 452. From Aloys Wenzl Munich, 11 October 1924 Sends the manuscript of Wenzl 1924 which has been chosen for the “Einstein-Vaihinger” award. Requests AE’s opinion on the manuscript. ALS. [23 370]. 453. From Walter Guttmann Stuttgart, 14 October 1924 Asks AE to deliver a talk at a cultural event of the Paul Neff bookstore. Gerhart Haupt- mann, Thomas Mann, Hermann Hesse, and Wassermann have already given their con- sent. TLS. [44 534]. 454. From Erich Marx (Israelitisches Wochenblatt) Zurich, 14 October 1924 Requests clarification of the exact date of AE’s acquisition of Swiss citizenship. The anti-Semitic press claim contradictory versions, and maintain that Lorentz, the “Bel- gian” physicist, is also Jewish. Consequently he, AE, and Bergson personify the domi- nant Jewish influence on the ICIC. ALS. [44 393]. 455. From Elsa Einstein Berlin, 15 October [1924] The American astronomer Thomas J. J. See has found a calculation error in Einstein 1911h. Maintains light deflection should be equal to Newtonian one. Elsa requests ex- haustive reply. Tgm (NL-HN, Collection De Ridder, box 7). [92 999]. 456. From [J.] Schumps Cologne, 15 October 1924 Requests Einstein 1924n for the Buchhandlung für Medizin. IE notes: “Deutsche Lite- ratur 24 herausgeg. von den vereinigten Akademien Bericht über Kant u. Einstein von dr. Alfred [C]. Elsbach.” TLS. [9 217]. 457. From F. Fischer Berlin, 16 October 1924 Eduard Hartmann has requested that Springer grant him permission to use the texts on pp. 3–7 and 8–13 of Einstein 1921c in his book. Springer has no objection. IE notes: “Gestattet.” TLS. [41 1074]. 458. To Maria Julius [Leyden,] 17 October 1924 Cannot visit on Tuesday since there is a colloquium on Wednesday. Will come on Thurs- day with [Paul] Ehrenfest. Will stay overnight, they can go for a stroll on Friday, and leave for Berlin on a night train. Asks her to tell her father that there are many errors in the brochure of the Swiss, the worst of them as grave as Bergson’s. Is sorry that he will miss meeting Hetting. AKS. [14 214]. 459. From Alfred Sieck Liverpool, 18 October 1924 Must leave on a trip next week. Asks for a reply to his letter of 7 July. Tgm. [44 896].