8 8 4 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 492. From Hayari Miyake Fukuoka, 3 November 1924 Thanks for sending Mühsam, H. 1916. Sends postcards from Fukuoka and photos of his family. ALS. [44 459]. 493. From Gonzague de Reynold Bern, 3 November 1924 Has received Doc. 337. The distribution of some 2,500 M among forty-one students would be a paltry sum proposes instead that fewer stipends capable of a larger impact be distributed to eminent scientists or worthy younger intellectuals, e.g., 10,000 lire for ten persons. Inquires about the condition of Russian economist and jurist professor [Ser- gei K.] Gogel, who had been living in extreme misery last year, and who was being con- sidered as a corresponding member of the commission. Hopes that AE agrees with his proposals. TLS. [44 744]. 494. From Emil Scheu Oranienburg, 4 November 1924 Repeats his request of Abs. 450 for help in getting a position in an institute to complete his research on H2O molecules. Asks to return the report on his experiments. ALS. [44 950]. 495. To Gonzague de Reynold [Berlin,] 5 November 1924 In reply to Abs. 493, notes that he was not aware that the final decision was to be made by Reynold and the Office internationale de renseignement. Proposes urgent help for ref- ugees in Berlin. Further proposals depend on getting trustworthy information. ALSX. [44 745]. 496. From Friedrich Mayer Augsburg, 5 November 1924 In reply to Abs. 480 explains that his work with Geiger (see Abs. 444) does not make good use of his qualifications, and that he envisions studying mathematics and becoming a teacher. ALS. [44 418] 497. From Arthur Posnansky (Bolivian Embassy) Charlottenburg, 6 November 1924 Sends a piece of native copper, another piece of silver-coated copper, and a woven fabric from the native Indians in highland Bolivia, hoping that AE will visit this highland, too, when he travels to Buenos Aires. TLS. [44 676]. 498. From Gauthier-Villars Paris, 7 November 1924 The French edition of Einstein 1922c has been published. Twenty complimentary copies have been sent to Maurice Solovine. TLS. [67 876]. 499. From Richard Meißner Cologne, 7 November 1924 As a student of the violinist Joseph Joachim, and a specialist on Cremonese violins at the Deutsche Musikinstrumentenzeitung, inquires whether AE can help him in finding exact rules in the construction of violins for the connection between their shape and cur- vature and their tone quality. TLS. [44 426]. 500. From Walter Gropius Weimar, 8 November 1924 The Board of Friends of the Bauhaus has recommended Hans Poelzig as the chair of the Kuratorium and requests confirmation. Appended sends a copy of the draft of the stat- utes [43 212], a circular, a signature form. TLS. [43 211]. 501. From Kornel Lanczos Frankfurt a. M., 8 November 1924 Thanks for Abs. 488. Has written to Karl Scheel and requested the return of the manu- script. Will send the paper to the Mathematische Zeitschrift since it has already been re- jected by the Annalen der Physik. ALS. [15 211].
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