C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 8 8 3 482. Ilse Kayser-Einstein to [J.] Schumps Berlin, 29 October 1924 In reply to Abs. 456, informs him that the report in question is Einstein 1924n (Doc. 321). TLC. [9 218]. A Dft [9 217.1] is also available. 483. Ilse Kayser-Einstein to Springer Publishing House Berlin, 29 October 1924 On behalf of AE informs that he agrees to reprint Einstein 1921c. TLC. [41 1075]. 484. From Tatiana Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa [Leyden,] 29 October 1924 Translates letter of Semyon (Simon) Frank, the representative of the Russisches Wissen- schaftliches Institut in Berlin, on the distribution of the League of Nations financial aid among emigrant Russian professors. ALS. [10 277]. 485. From Georges Oprescu Geneva, 30 October 1924 He cannot visit Berlin as planned in Abs. 469 because of lack of time. TLS. [34 909]. 486. From Angus P. Stevens Durham, 30 October 1924 Outlines a theory according to which “ages ago” the Sun was larger and Mercury’s orbit smaller such that it exerted a strong gravitational pull on the outer belts of the Sun, re- sulting in their rotation. ALS. [25 288]. 487. From W[alther] Keller Stuttgart, November 1924 Solicits AE’s signature for the appeal of the Verein Naturschutzpark for the protection of the natural areas of the Alps in Salzburg. TLS. [44 530]. IE notes: “Einverstanden mit Unterschrift.” 488. To Kornel Lanczos Berlin, 3 November 1924 His interesting work (Lanczos 1925), due to its length and mathematical content, is not suited for the Zeitschrift für Physik. Recommends sending the paper either to the Mathe- matische Zeitschrift or to the Annalen der Physik. TLC. [15 210]. 489. To Georges Oprescu Berlin, 3 November 1924 Is sorry that Oprescu cannot visit him (see Abs. 485). Together with the Ehrenfests has sent Doc. 337. Should the letter not have arrived, asks for immediate notification to be able to send a copy. The proposal for the distribution of the other half of the funds will be made after having received information on needy individuals in France, Belgium, etc. IE notes: “Brief nicht abgeschickt worden.” (See Abs. 493). TLC. [44 743]. 490. To Leon Steinig Berlin, 3 November 1924 Is honored to have been elected president of the Weltverband der jüdischen Studenten- schaft (Abs. 473), but considers himself unsuited to the task for various reasons, espe- cially because of overwork. He asks that another president be elected, but agrees to serve as vice president. TLC. [44 063]. 491. From Max von Laue Berlin, 3 November 1924 Sends the minutes of the joint session of the Direktorium and the Kuratorium of the Kai- ser Wilhelm Institute of Physics, which took place on 15 October (see Abs. 451). A re- search fund of 4,380 M awarded to Wilhelm Wien on 31 July for an electromagnet was withdrawn upon the proposal of Andres Krüss. Wien, who was asked to turn for help to the Bavarian government, has ruled out any possibility of success. Laue has given the grant to Ludwig Glaser. Invites to discuss the issue at the meeting of 6 November. TLS. [40 156].