C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 8 8 7 522. From Pedro Guesalaga Berlin, 20 November 1924 Encloses a letter from José Arce (Abs. 467) and requests an answer. TLS. [43 101]. 523. To Pedro Guesalaga [Berlin, after 20 November 1924] Shorthand draft. [43 102]. 524. From Arthur Mayer Berlin, 21 November 1924 On behalf of Reichsminister [Erich] Koch, asks AE to speak at an event on 2 December organized by the Deutsche Demokratische Partei. TLS. [43 520]. 525. From Robert A. Millikan [Pasadena,] 21 November 1924 Has received Doc. 359. Extends an invitation to Caltech for 1926. Lorentz will be there to lecture throughout the winter. Is not asking AE to deliver any lectures, unless AE would like to do so. Requests a confirmation, otherwise will extend the invitation, once more, for 1927. TLS. [17 294]. 526. To Kornel Lanczos Berlin, 22 November 1924 Thanks for Abs. 507. Lanczos can send the manuscript of Lanczos 1926 to him directly since he serves on the editorial board. Will travel from March on for three months. Can also send the manuscript directly to Otto Blumenthal at the Technische Hochschule in Aachen. TLC. [15 214]. 527. To Boris Schatz Berlin, 22 November 1924 In reply to Abs. 416, promises an etching by Emil Orlik. Although there are a few oil paintings of him, he does not possess any of them. TLC. [43 263]. 528. To Aloys Wenzl Berlin, 22 November 1924 Thanks for Wenzl 1924 read it with great enthusiasm. The merits of Hans Vaihinger’s Als-Ob theory are in its details and not in its system. Attaches a book review (probably Einstein 1924n, [Doc. 321]). TLC. [23 372]. 529. From Gonzague de Reynold Bern, 22 November 1924 Apologizes for the late reply and agrees to the terms mentioned in Abs. 495. Sends check for the Russisches Wissenschaftliches Institut in Berlin. The Italian Red Cross empha- sizes that the criteria for the distribution of funds are, first of all, poverty and, secondly, intellectual achievements. They are intended for both anti-Bolshevist and Bolshevist ref- ugees. TLS. [44 749]. 530. From André Metz Bonn, 23 November 1924 Requests comment on the manuscript of Metz 1925, a reply to Berché 1924. Hopes AE permits him to make use of their correspondence. Is corresponding with Father [An- tonin-Gilbert] Sertillanges, whom AE met in Palestine. ALS. [18 253.] 531. From Moritz Schlick Vienna, 23 November 1924 Asks AE to join the Mach-Komité, which plans to erect a monument of Ernst Mach. Wolfgang Joseph Pauli, father of Wolfgang Pauli, is also a member. Einstein’s stay in Vienna was a great pleasure for him, hopes he will come again soon. Requests a copy of Einstein 1924n (Doc. 321). Asks whether AE has seen the brochure on the theory of rel- ativity by Hans Driesch, who is currently regarded as Germany’s greatest philosopher. TLS. [21 589]. 532. To Carl Duisberg Berlin, 24 November 1924 Sends Otto Hurwitz’s CV (see Abs. 512) and recommends him for a position in chemical industry. TLC. [38 136].