8 8 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 533. To Arthur Mayer Berlin, 24 November 1924 Regrets that he cannot agree to his request (see Abs. 524). Is trying to stay away from political life. TLC. [43 522]. 534. To Leon Steinig Berlin, 24 November 1924 Thanks for Abs. 518 and approves of all the candidates for vice presidents. TLC. [44 066]. 535. From Otto Jeidels Berlin, 25 November 1924 Invites AE and the Kuratorium of the Einstein Stiftung to dine with him and his wife af- ter the meeting on 6 December. The RSVP can be sent to him or Freundlich. TLS. [11 275]. 536. From Paul Winteler Colonnata (Firenze), 25 November 1924 Thanks for AE’s letter. Lists administrative measures Einstein must take to assume the debt on their house. ALS. [29 395]. Attaches promissory notes [29 396] and [29 397]. 537. From Edmund de Bary Neuchâtel, 26 November 1924 Reminds AE that they met four years earlier on the train to The Hague. An inventor claims to have solved the problem of the disintegration of atoms through technical means. Experiments have been carried out a month earlier in a Swiss steel plant. His fa- ther asks him to call AE’s attention to the invention. The Dr. L. mentioned in his father’s letter is Dr. Loosli, a former student of AE’s, who has been, and will again be, present during the experiments ALS. [43 186]. 538. Diploma of the Hellenic Society of Psychical Research in Athens Athens, 28 November 1924 Awarded honorary membership. Diploma. [120 607]. 539. From Carl D. Groat (United Press Associations) Berlin, 27 November 1924 Despite having received a negative response from Elsa Einstein writes again to ask whether AE would be willing to write a series of articles for La Prensa. Offers $700 for five articles, each consisting of approximately 1,000 words, under the condition that AE will not write articles for any other South American newspaper. The articles will appear in La Prensa after AE’s arrival in Buenos Aires. Assumes that AE as a scientist probably does not plan to make a profit from the articles. If that is the case, he suggests that AE allocate the honorarium to the Zionist movement. There are more than 300,000 Jews in Argentina. La Prensa is of the opinion that the articles will further the Zionist cause. They will leave the selection of the topics to AE but prefer that they deal with scientific topics. Since La Prensa is a serious newspaper, promises that the presentation of the ar- ticles will not be sensational, and no changes will be made to the articles. In case the request demands too much of AE’s time, a quick written note or a phone call would be appreciated. TLS. [44 687]. 540. Ilse Kayser-Einstein to Otto Jeidels Berlin, 27 November 1924 AE has influenza. Thanks, and accepts the invitation (see Abs. 535). TLC. [11 276]. 541. To André Metz Berlin, 27 November 1924 In reply to Abs. 530, agrees with Metz’s observation that F. Berché does not understand that the theory of relativity includes premises in addition to conventions. Metz 1925 er- roneously states that Ritz’s hypothesis was refuted a century earlier. TLC. [18 255]. 542. Ilse Kayser-Einstein to Moritz Schlick Berlin, 27 November 1924 AE is sick with influenza. Agrees to join the Mach Committee. Sends a copy of Einstein 1924n (Doc. 321). See Abs. 531. TLC. [21 590].
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

8 8 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 533. To Arthur Mayer Berlin, 24 November 1924 Regrets that he cannot agree to his request (see Abs. 524). Is trying to stay away from political life. TLC. [43 522]. 534. To Leon Steinig Berlin, 24 November 1924 Thanks for Abs. 518 and approves of all the candidates for vice presidents. TLC. [44 066]. 535. From Otto Jeidels Berlin, 25 November 1924 Invites AE and the Kuratorium of the Einstein Stiftung to dine with him and his wife af- ter the meeting on 6 December. The RSVP can be sent to him or Freundlich. TLS. [11 275]. 536. From Paul Winteler Colonnata (Firenze), 25 November 1924 Thanks for AE’s letter. Lists administrative measures Einstein must take to assume the debt on their house. ALS. [29 395]. Attaches promissory notes [29 396] and [29 397]. 537. From Edmund de Bary Neuchâtel, 26 November 1924 Reminds AE that they met four years earlier on the train to The Hague. An inventor claims to have solved the problem of the disintegration of atoms through technical means. Experiments have been carried out a month earlier in a Swiss steel plant. His fa- ther asks him to call AE’s attention to the invention. The Dr. L. mentioned in his father’s letter is Dr. Loosli, a former student of AE’s, who has been, and will again be, present during the experiments ALS. [43 186]. 538. Diploma of the Hellenic Society of Psychical Research in Athens Athens, 28 November 1924 Awarded honorary membership. Diploma. [120 607]. 539. From Carl D. Groat (United Press Associations) Berlin, 27 November 1924 Despite having received a negative response from Elsa Einstein writes again to ask whether AE would be willing to write a series of articles for La Prensa. Offers $700 for five articles, each consisting of approximately 1,000 words, under the condition that AE will not write articles for any other South American newspaper. The articles will appear in La Prensa after AE’s arrival in Buenos Aires. Assumes that AE as a scientist probably does not plan to make a profit from the articles. If that is the case, he suggests that AE allocate the honorarium to the Zionist movement. There are more than 300,000 Jews in Argentina. La Prensa is of the opinion that the articles will further the Zionist cause. They will leave the selection of the topics to AE but prefer that they deal with scientific topics. Since La Prensa is a serious newspaper, promises that the presentation of the ar- ticles will not be sensational, and no changes will be made to the articles. In case the request demands too much of AE’s time, a quick written note or a phone call would be appreciated. TLS. [44 687]. 540. Ilse Kayser-Einstein to Otto Jeidels Berlin, 27 November 1924 AE has influenza. Thanks, and accepts the invitation (see Abs. 535). TLC. [11 276]. 541. To André Metz Berlin, 27 November 1924 In reply to Abs. 530, agrees with Metz’s observation that F. Berché does not understand that the theory of relativity includes premises in addition to conventions. Metz 1925 er- roneously states that Ritz’s hypothesis was refuted a century earlier. TLC. [18 255]. 542. Ilse Kayser-Einstein to Moritz Schlick Berlin, 27 November 1924 AE is sick with influenza. Agrees to join the Mach Committee. Sends a copy of Einstein 1924n (Doc. 321). See Abs. 531. TLC. [21 590].

