8 9 4 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 596. To Fritz Behrend Berlin, 22 December 1924 Reply to Abs. 568. Unfortunately, neither he nor anyone he knows can take on such a heavy responsibility. TLC. [43 230]. 597. Ilse Kayser-Einstein to Franz M. Feldhaus Berlin, [22 December 1924] On AE’s behalf, responds to Abs. 578. Although AE has spent an entire day with Charles P. Steinmetz in the U.S., he does not remember pictures being taken. Nevertheless, AE has no objection to his doing as he pleases with the photo. TKS. [83 536]. 598. To Pedro Guesalaga Berlin, 22 December 1924 Confirms receipt of the round-trip ticket Hamburg-Buenos Aires, no. 17171. TLC. [43 109]. 599. To Leo Motzkin Berlin, 22 December 1924 Thanks for the information and the offer to help, but most of the funds were distributed in December and the rest are being distributed by Gonzague de Reynold. Does not think they will be able to take advantage of the committee set up by him. TLC. [44 497]. 600. Ilse Kayser-Einstein to Piano und Flügel Magazin Max Porth Berlin, 22 December 1924 Informs on behalf of AE that 766.66 M will be sent by Springer as an installment pay- ment for a Blüthner piano. TLC. [44 675]. 601. To Gonzague de Reynold Berlin, 22 December 1924 Forwards Abs. 574 and the enclosed report in regard to the distribution of the funds in France, but since the detailed information is known, advises not to make use of the com- mittee’s help. Confirms receipt of the check in the amount of 200 francs for the Russians in Holland and will forward it to Paul Ehrenfest. TLC. [44 759]. 602. Ilse Kayser-Einstein to Springer Publishing House Berlin, 22 December 1924 In reply to Abs. 549, asks to remit 766.66 M to the Piano und Flügel Magazin Max Porth. TLS. [71 445]. 603. From Carl Bosch Ludwigshafen am Rhein, 22 December 1924 Has received Abs. 532 from [Franz] Oppenheim. Is prepared to assist Otto Hurwitz. TLS. [38 137]. 604. From Archimandrite Pagyra[z]ios Stavrodromi, 22 December 1924 Requests AE’s opinion on his Greek manuscript, which proves that the laws of kinemat- ics are wrong. TLS. [120 606]. 605. From Max Planck Berlin, 22 December 1924 Thanks for the brochure by Count Harry Kessler. Prefers to discuss his opinion on the subject in person. AKS. [19 313]. 606. From Ludwig Ruge Berlin, 22 December 1924 Claims that the preparation and foundation work of the Einstein-Stiftung has been com- pleted. To date, Erwin Freundlich has been the only member of the Kuratorium to carry out its practical work. Ruge proposes regulations for the future administration of the Stiftung, with AE as the chairman of the Kuratorium for life. TLS. [88 112]. 607. From D. Herlitz (Keren Hayesod, Central Europe Bureau) [Berlin,] 23 December 1924 On behalf of Leo Kohn, encloses the letter to Mikhail Pokrovsky in regard to the Günz- burg library (Doc. 403) for signature. TLS. [36 880]. IE notes: “Sofort abgeschickt!”