C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 8 9 3 586. To Gonzague de Reynold Berlin, 16 December 1924 Semion (Simon) Frank has sent the address of Nikolai Berdiaiev (see Abs. 579), a prom- inent Russian scholar living in Paris in dire need of financial assistance. Recommends sending him some of the money, leaving the amount at his discretion. Enclosed sends the receipt and the list of the students in Zagreb, which he had forgotten in Abs. 577. TLC. [44 754]. 587. From Leo Motzkin [Paris,] 16 December 1924 Requests financial assistance for Sonia Getzowa, who needs to spend some time in a san- atorium due to ill health. TLC. [91 226.1]. 588. From Karl Scheel Prague, 17 December 1924 Following up on their recent phone conversation, would appreciate any news. Forwards Alfred Holländer’s letter of 15 December [43 943], in which he asked Scheel to inter- vene with AE for the details of his negative opinion on Holländer’s paper (see Abs. 557). ALS. [43 944]. 589. From Henri Bergson Paris, 18 December 1924 The League of Nations and the French government have agreed on founding an Interna- tional Institute for Intellectual Cooperation in Paris. In order to discuss organizational questions, the ICIC will convene on 12 January 1925. If AE cannot attend, he is asked to send a substitute. TLS. [34 812]. 590. From Edith Einstein-Reiss Zurich, 18 December 1924 Appeals to AE to assist Karl Meissner, assistant of Edgar Meyer, in obtaining an aca- demic position. His relationship with Meyer has deteriorated, and his current tasks pre- vent him from utilizing his talent and erudition. ALS. [9 198]. 591. From Gonzague de Reynold Bern, 18 December 1924 Gives a detailed proposal on the distribution of the financial help of the Italian Red Cross among Russian emigrant intellectuals and students in Paris, Estonia, Yugoslavia, Po- land, and persons proposed by AE (Abs. 577) and Tatiana Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa. AE notes: “Zustimmend beantwortet. 20. XII. 24.” TLS. [44 755]. 592. From Paul Hausmeister Göppingen, 20 December 1924 Reminds AE of his letter of 26 January 1922 (Vol. 13, Doc. 38). Reports on experiments performed by Georg Grube on the dependence of the work of electric disintegration on the pressure of the disintegrated gases during the electrolysis of water in a closed con- tainer. The experiments showed that the disintegration potential was lowered with in- creasing gas pressure, in contrast to its theoretically expected increase. TLS. [43 868]. 593. From Robert A. Millikan [Pasadena,] 20 December 1924 Everyone was pleased with Doc. 360. AE will enjoy his stay in winter since H. A. Lorentz will be there, too. TLS. [17 297]. 594. From Gonzague de Reynold Bern, 20 December 1924 Has just received Abs. 586. AE has probably received Abs. 591. Still has 36,161.45 lire and asks for proposals for distribution. Also has the check for Reval, Estonia, in the amount of 6,341.10 lire. ALS. [44 758]. 595. From Edith Einstein-Reiss Zurich, 21 December 1924 Since Abs. 590, Karl Meissner has been offered the position of extraordinary professor at the University of Frankfurt. Sends her Christmas wishes. ALS. [9 199].