C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 5 8 9 7 Hirsch Perez Chajes. In addition to Austrian organizations, Jewish students in Czecho- slovakia and Germany should receive support as well. S. Lubowski recommends estab- lishing a scholarship in the amount of $240. TLS. [44 072]. 628. From Tatiana Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa Leyden, 15 January 1925 Michel Fedoroff must have the list of stipend recipients (see Abs. 515). Has asked Pušin in Zagreb not to spend the Italian Red Cross funds for political purposes. Has received a letter from her daughter Tatiana Ehrenfest in Estonia, in which she mentions that Ru- dolf Kayser is gravely ill and that Ilse Kayser-Einstein feels very unhappy. ALS. [10 282]. 629. From Bernhard Kahn [Berlin,] 15 January 1925 Thanks AE for the role he played in securing $5,000 solicited from Louis Marshall for destitute Eastern European Jewish students. The American Joint Distribution Commit- tee does not want the funds to be available exclusively to needy members of the Verband jüdischer Studentenvereine in Deutschland but also to nonmembers of the Verband. Fur- thermore, the term “Eastern European Jewish” should be interpreted broadly so as to also include Romanian and Hungarian Jewish students. TLS. [44 020]. 630. From Hugh J. Gramatzki Berlin, 17 January 1925 Sends pages of Gramatzki 1905. Hopes to continue their discussion on 6 February on his “Limitentheorie” (see Gramatzki 1928), which promises a connection between quantum theory and the theory of relativity. ALS. [11 387]. 631. From Walther von Dyck Munich, 18 January 1925 Sends circular letter to the members of the editorial board of the Mathematische Anna- len. Has been informed by Ludwig Bieberbach about a letter sent to him by Luitzen Brouwer in which Brouwer objected to inviting Paul Painlevé to collaborate on the vol- ume for the Bernhard Riemann jubilee. Objects to collaboration with the French. TLS. [6 110]. 632. Note Regarding the Tax Card [Berlin,] 20 January 1925 Has not signed the tax card because he has been categorized as being without a depen- dent, whereas his younger son, who is not yet fifteen years old, still lives with his di- vorced wife in Zurich. ADS. Kirsten and Treder 1979b, p. 25, no. 36. [79 375]. 633. From Even von Prittwitz-Gaffron Berlin, 20 January 1925 Regrets being unable to meet with AE, but has heard from Fritz Hasslacher that AE had spoken with him on the phone. Sends a copy of his letter to Henri Lichtenberger in Paris [34 912], in which he has explained his point of view on the issue, and the content of which is to be forwarded to those involved in the organization of the new institute, among them Julien Luchaire. TLS. [34 911]. 634. From Michel Fedoroff Paris, 21 January 1925 Thanks for the check in the amount of 9,479 French francs to support the Russian pro- fessors and students in Paris. Recommends, as mentioned in his letter to Tatiana Ehren- fest-Afanassjewa, that part of it be used to support Russian students in Estonia. TLS. [43 665]. 635. From Friedrich Heilbron Berlin, 22 January 1925 Regrets and apologies for having missed AE a day earlier. Has spoken with the Secretary of State about the ministerial passport. AE will be contacted regarding formalities. TLC. [82 349].
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