8 9 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 5 636. From the Palestine Committee of Management of the Technical Institute Haifa, 22 January 1925 Invites AE to the opening of the [Technion] and the subsequent celebration, which will take place on 9 February in the presence of the president of the Institute, Sir Alfred Mond. TLC. [67 502]. 637. From John H. Northrop [New York City,] 23 January 1925 Solicits a paper to be included in the memorial volume for Jacques Loeb. TLS. [15 191]. 638. From Eduard Sthamer Berlin, 23 January 1925 In reply to Abs. 632, writes that AE has been considered as having a wife and a depen- dent child. The amount of the tax-exempt income for professors and members of the academy has risen from 80 M to 720 gold marks. TLC. [79 376]. 639. From Chaim Weizmann [?], 26 January 1925 Since AE and Henri Bergson cooperate in the League of Nations, asks AE to invite Berg- son on his behalf to the opening of the Hebrew University to deliver a lecture. TLS. [71 124]. 640. From Isaiah Raffalovich Rio de Janeiro, 27 January 1925 At the request of Aloísio de Castro, director of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Rio de Janeiro, and Paulo de Frontin, director of the Rio de Janeiro Polytechnic School and president of the Engineering Club, invites AE to visit those institutions and the Jewish community in Rio de Janeiro. TLS. [44 010]. 641. From the Prussian Minister of Education [Berlin,] 28 January 1925 According to a proposal by the PAW, appoints AE as a member of the Kuratorium of the Astrophysical Observatory in Potsdam effective 1 April 1925 to 31 March 1928, or up to the time he changes his residence to outside of the Berlin area. TDftL (GyBSA, I. HA, Rep. 76VC, Sekt. 1, Tit. 11, Teil 2, Nr. 6H, Bl. 33–34). [83 241]. 642. From Georges Oprescu Geneva, 29 January 1925 Albert Berzeviczy, president of the Hungarian National Committee on Intellectual Co- operation, has presented a list of books and journals that Hungarian intellectuals are in need of. Attaches a list of publications from Germany requested by the Budapest Insti- tute of Technology. Asks for AE’s opinion on fulfilling the request. TLS. [34 913]. 643. From Alfred Weißbarth Berlin, 31 January 1925 The German peace movement is hindered by friction among its various groups. Is per- plexed by the recent events in the Friedenskartell and at the Dortmund conference. AE is being discredited within and outside of Germany. As a delegate of the Monistenbund, believes that AE, as the president of the Liga für Menschenrechte, can unify the peace movement and thereby win over more intellectuals to its cause. TLS. [45 237]. 644. From Jerome Alexander [New York,] 1 February 1925 Has received AE’s card of 2 January and the reprint (see Abs. 576). W. H. Martin from Toronto has prepared its translation. The eclipse could not be observed in Toronto be- cause of cloudy conditions. Ludvik Silberstein’s calculation has been confirmed by Mi- chelson in Chicago. Sends a newspaper article (New York Times, 1 February, on the at- tempt to assassinate AE. If AE feels the need to leave Germany for the U.S., he will find a helpful and congenial atmosphere there. TLS. [43 026]. 645. From Robert Eisler Feldafing, 4 February 1925 In reply to AE’s remarks on his character in Doc. 428, he informs him that he returned to Judaism after having left it for Catholicism in his youth this was an important indication of the weakness of his character, as he is easily influenced by others. He may