D O C U M E N T 9 0 J U LY 1 9 2 3 9 3
who always helps out when we have guests in the apartment and aren’t there. You
do, incidentally, know the owners of this jewel, they are the two
you met in Kiel and currently aren’t in Munich either, so that their Wally will be
fully at your disposal.
Do leave there soon, though; it’s not at all pleasant in Munich right now, it’s full
of Saxons and similar types.
The various children here are probably already departing at the beginning of Au-
gust, also because of the rise in fares; you need to hurry if you still want to experi-
ence some of the hubbub.
And many good wishes between households, yours truly,
Whether it is opportune for you to have seen Albert’s enclosed letter, I leave to
your discretion and present situation; I shall not mention anything to him about
having submitted the letter to you.
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