D O C . 1 8 5 F O R E W O R D W E I Z M A N N 1 8 7
185. Foreword to Chaim Weizmann, Israel und sein
Land. Reden und Ansprachen[1]
[Einstein 1924b]
Dated before 27 December 1923
Published 1924
In: Chaim Weizmann, Israel und sein Land. Reden und Ansprachen, p. 5. London: Keren
Hajessod, 1924.
This slender volume contains in almost aphoristic form Weizmann’s concep-
tions of the multifarious subtleties of the Palestine problem. The main attraction of
this little book is its immediacy. These are casual utterances from his own lips and
most probably made without formal preparation on the most disparate of occasions.
May this slim volume convey to the hearts of its readers at least some of
Weizmann’s ardent love for Palestine.
A. Einstein.