1 8 6 D O C U M E N T 1 8 4 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 3
best solution, also in principle. What surprises me is that they deliver enough cur-
rent for the motor.
Mr. Glitscher is probably right with his
If the sphere is not set at
the shell’s midpoint ¢and additionally² so that different parts of the blowout magnet
are variously close to the shell, there could be a torque. That certainly could have
an influence on the extent of the resulting stabilization. For the experimental veri-
fication I imagine a systematic amplification of the oscillations by synchronous al-
teration of the blowout magnet’s excitation strength. Maybe the analysis of the de-
pendence of the period of oscillation on the excitation strength of the blowout
magnet (i.e., the sphere’s average height position effectuated by mechanical
means), proposed by Mr. Glitscher, is also the simplest.
Albert seems to be a quite diligent
My friend
me that he had the best examination in his course, which is something, considering
the moderation of his diligence.
I have now bored down so deeply into my scientific problems that—my motor
isn’t up to it anymore. The equations I’ve arrived at are so difficult to solve that I’m
standing before them like the ox at the foot of the
I am not thinking of
traveling, despite interminable job offers and invitations—with the exception of
Kiel. But first I have to stay here for a little while ……
A very happy 1924 to you and your
Cordial greetings to you, yours,
A. Einstein.