D O C . 2 8 3 Q U A N T U M T H E O R Y O F I D E A L G A S 2 8 3
In closing I would like to draw attention to a paradox that I have not succeeded
There is no difficulty in also treating the case of a mixture of two
different gases according to the method indicated here. In this case, each kind of
molecule has its own separate “cell.” Then the additivity of the entropies of the
components of the mixture results. Each component thus behaves, as regards mo-
lecular energy, pressure, and statistical distribution, as if it were present alone. A
mixture of the molecule numbers , whose molecules of the first and second
kind differ arbitrarily little from each other (especially as regards the molecular
mass ), consequently yields, at a given temperature, a different pressure and
a different distribution of states than a homogeneous gas of numbers of molecules
of practically the same molecular mass and the same volume. But this ap-
pears to be practically impossible.
n1, n2
m1, m2
n1 n2 +