4 0 2 D O C U M E N T 4 0 5 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 4
the vessel. After some time, the ion-free gas is slowly evacuated. Between the
choke tap necessary for this and the vessel, there is another quartz pipe as a means
of isolation. The ions generated in the choke tap therefore no longer play a part. A
manometer is connected in front of the choke tap. With this apparatus it would be
possible to take 20 to 30 measurements in a day, since one does not need to disman-
tle the apparatus each time. The gas would surely be ion free, since it stays inside
the field for a longer period. One could conveniently vary the flow velocity. It is
easy to give the vessel a caloric capacity so that the cooling of the expansion
“CO2 pressure flask”
“choke tap”
“10 atm”
“5 l[iters]”
“2,000 v[olts]”
This apparatus would be much better in any case. Unfortunately, I possess nei-
ther the necessary vessel, nor the thick-walled quartz pipe. I could, however, pro-
cure both.
I would not like to file away this experiment before I have attained an accuracy
in the final result of stat. units per kg. If one considers that the total charge of
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