5 4 D O C . 5 5 I N T R O D U C T I O N T O E B E R T Y
55. Introduction to Felix Eberty, Die Gestirne und die
Weltgeschichte. Gedanken über Raum, Zeit und
[Einstein 1923l]
Dated 5 June 1923
Published after 5 June 1923
In: Eberty, Felix: Die Gestirne und die Weltgeschichte. Gedanken über Raum, Zeit und
Ewigkeit. Neu herausgegeben von Gregorius Itelson, mit einem Geleitwort von Albert
Einstein. Berlin: Rogoff, 1923, p. [v].
There is no lack of current interest in this little book, written by an original, witty
person. For it shows, on one hand, a mind that is critical toward the obsolete con-
cept of
on the other hand, it shows the peculiar consequences from which
the theory of relativity, which so often is being charged precisely for the bizarre na-
ture of its consequences, saves
A. Einstein.