D O C U M E N T 5 6 J U N E 1 9 2 3 5 5
56. From Hans Albert Einstein
[Zurich, 7 June 1923]
Dear Papa,
We’ve been expecting something from you again for a long time already, but it
seems we’ve somewhat tainted your eagerness to write. We really don’t have a clue,
you know, where you are, at all. It’s a little more stressful for me now than before,
but I also play music quite a lot, particularly in the
That’s much nicer
than by myself. On the other hand, I’d like to see for once whether I couldn’t per-
haps find for us for the summer some older Italian pieces that we don’t know yet.
I know a few people who happen to be knowledgeable about older things.
But now I have to ask you something else. Please inform us as quickly as possi-
ble when the money for the house will be here so that it doesn’t lie around idly, but
we can get [seriously] to business at
Now, for ex., we’re probably going to
get another 20–30 offers, which we simply can’t do anything about now.
I don’t know at all what you’re thinking of doing in the summer; in any case, I’m
going to have to work quite a lot in order to take the exam right after the vacation.
This isn’t such a song and dance as the business last
In expectation of some-
thing from you soon, many greetings from
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

D O C U M E N T 5 6 J U N E 1 9 2 3 5 5
56. From Hans Albert Einstein
[Zurich, 7 June 1923]
Dear Papa,
We’ve been expecting something from you again for a long time already, but it
seems we’ve somewhat tainted your eagerness to write. We really don’t have a clue,
you know, where you are, at all. It’s a little more stressful for me now than before,
but I also play music quite a lot, particularly in the
That’s much nicer
than by myself. On the other hand, I’d like to see for once whether I couldn’t per-
haps find for us for the summer some older Italian pieces that we don’t know yet.
I know a few people who happen to be knowledgeable about older things.
But now I have to ask you something else. Please inform us as quickly as possi-
ble when the money for the house will be here so that it doesn’t lie around idly, but
we can get [seriously] to business at
Now, for ex., we’re probably going to
get another 20–30 offers, which we simply can’t do anything about now.
I don’t know at all what you’re thinking of doing in the summer; in any case, I’m
going to have to work quite a lot in order to take the exam right after the vacation.
This isn’t such a song and dance as the business last
In expectation of some-
thing from you soon, many greetings from

