8 9 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 6 243. From J. Hanauer Berlin, [1926] Thanks for AE’s assistance and encloses two carbon copies on the same topic, which in the meantime he has also discussed with the general director of the Preussische Staats- bibliothek. [The issues at hand might have been related to technical and scientific dic- tionaries and also the upcoming conference on economics and business management, mentioned in TL [43 853], dated 23 January 1926, to Unkown). ALS. [43 852], on verso of item with “Allgemeine Elektrizitätsgesellschaft” letterhead. Hanauer was most likely the librarian there. 244. From Lydie Mantell [Berlin, 1926] A former student of Henri Poincaré, had returned from Paris to Russia before the Soviet revolution and has recently worked at the University of Kazan as an astronomer. Is now trying to travel back to France, to reclaim her old instruments. Is in need of financial sup- port to obtain an entry visa to France. ALS. [44 383]. 245. From Poale Zion Berlin, 1 January 1926 Requests a letter of support in behalf of its application for financial aid from the Joint Distribution Committee for financial aid for the Verband der jüdischen Arbeiterheime in Deutschland. TLS. [44 663]. 246. From Paul Lapie Paris, [1 to 17 January 1926] Lapie, rector of the University of Paris, and his wife, invite AE to attend afternoon tea at the Sorbonne on 17 January 1926 at 4:30 P.M. PK. [91 237]. 247. To Encyclopædia Britannica Berlin, [before 2] 3 January 1926 Enclosed sends the draft of his contributions to the Encyclopædia Britannica. Requests that the publisher has them carefully translated by a professional and that the proofs of the English translation be sent to him. The letter is incorrectly dated, since the postal re- ceipt [1 075] is dated 2 January. TLCX. [43 642]. 248. To Bulgarian Embassy, Berlin Berlin, 3 January 1926 Sends an urgent request that his attached letter be forwarded to the Bulgarian minister of science and art (see Abs. 249). TLC. [24 167]. 249. To Bulgarian Ministry of Science and Art Berlin, 3 January 1926 Asks that Raschko Zaycoff, student of mathematics in Sofia, be granted assistance in the form of stipends or other means to continue his remarkable scientific work. TLC. [24 166]. 250. From W. J. Greenhut The Woodlands, Burghfield Common, 4 January 1926 As editor of the Mathematical Gazette, copies of which he is enclosing, and on behalf of the Mathematical Association, requests a contribution on the occasion of the Newton bicentenary. ALS. [43 806]. 251. From Julien Luchaire Paris, 4 January 1926 Urgently requests an article or brief statement on intellectual cooperation for the maga- zine L’Europe Nouvelle on the occasion of the inauguration of the IIIC. Tgm. [34 918]. 252. From Metodi Popov Berlin, 4 January 1926 Has forwarded AE’s letter in behalf of Zaycoff (see Abs. 248 and Abs. 249) to the Bul- garian minister of science and art in Sofia, and has also sent a copy to his brother, Kyrill Popov. Is convinced that both the university and the ministry will support the young stu- dent. TLS. [24 168].