C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 6 8 9 9 253. From Thomas C. Hodson London, 5 January 1926 Acknowledges receipt of AE’s articles on Time and Space sent with a letter of 3 January. Will return the manuscripts with the English translation as requested (see Abs. 247). Has recently discussed some of the same topics with Lord Haldane. TLS. [1 075]. 254. From Julien Luchaire Paris, 5 January 1926 Confirming his earlier telegram (see Abs. 251), requests at least a few lines for the very liberal foreign policy journal L’Europe Nouvelle. Most members of the ICIC will do so. Suggests that AE write about scientific cooperation. The request is urgent since the man- uscripts have to be delivered to the printer at the beginning of next week. Hopes to see AE at the next meeting of the committee. TLS. [34 917]. 255. From Thomas Barclay Paris, 6 January 1926 Would be delighted if AE and his wife would accept Patrick Geddes’s invitation to spend time at the Collège des Écossais in Montpellier (see Abs. 259), where he has recently spent an enjoyable month. TLS. [43 182]. 256. From Karl F. Herzfeld Baltimore, 8 January 1926 Has received AE’s letter from Leyden. The Johns Hopkins University wishes to offer AE a position as professor of theoretical physics. Its provost, Joseph S. Ames, has asked that Herzfeld send details. AE would have complete freedom in deciding his teaching preferences and would be free of administrative duties. He would be guaranteed a pen- sion. Discusses the fields and expertise of colleagues, including Robert W. Wood, A. Hermann Pfund, Harold C. Urey, and others. ALS. [12 241]. 257. From Paul Guthnick Neubabelsberg, [9] January 1926 His colleague Bottlinger has informed him that a dissertation on the causes of meander- ing of rivers was written by a lady shortly before AE’s own paper. Peter Ewald in Stutt- gart may have further information. AKS. [43 818]. 258. To Otto D. Tolischus [Berlin,] 11 January 1926 Comments on Dayton C. Miller’s observations, which he is certain rely on errors. A more complete version of this text is to be found in Doc. 161. ADftS. [17 268]. 259. From Patrick Geddes Montpellier, 11 January 1926 Has proposed to Pierre M. Humbert that AE be invited to the Collège des Écossais, Montpellier. A formal invitation has been approved. Reiterates the earlier invitation. Hopes that AE’s visit may advance the “needed Locarno of Intellectuals.” TLS. [44 479]. 260. From Leo Kohn London, 11 January 1926 Upon returning and reporting about the negotiations in Berlin, has been asked by Ch. Weizmann to inform AE that he agrees with all the steps he has taken (see Doc. 117). Weizmann also asks that AE represent the Hebrew University at the upcoming meeting of the IIIC. Also requests that AE intervene among interested persons in behalf of the founding in Paris of a French committee for the advancement of the Hebrew University under the auspices of the influential committee “France-Palestine.” Kohn has sent Jacques S. Hadamard an official invitation to join the board and the academic advisory committee. TLS. [36 904]. 261. From Moritz Schlick Vienna, 12 January 1926 Reiterates his request in Doc. 140 regarding an article for the Neue Freie Presse on the occasion of the unveiling of a monument to Ernst Mach and that AE send his contribu- tion to Wolfgang Pauli Sr. in Vienna. Was happy to hear from Max Planck, who visited