C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 7 9 4 9 727. From Konzert-Direktion Hermann Wolf u. Jules Sachs Berlin, 21 January 1927 Inquires whether AE would give a public lecture at the Berlin Philharmonic on 10 Feb- ruary, possibly on the Jewish question, Zionism, or the Palestine settlement. TLS. [48 812]. 728. To Konzert-Direktion Hermann Wolf u. Jules Sachs [Berlin, after 21 January 1927] Is unfortunately unable to fulfill its request (see Abs. 727). ALSf. [48 813]. 729. From the Bibliothèque Nationale Paris, 25 January 1927 In reply to AE’s (nonextant) letter and his forwarding the inquiry by Gustav A. Kögel, is informing that the Latin ms. 12161, one of the most valuable palimpsests in its hold- ings, has repeatedly been studied by many scholars. All pages of the manuscript have been impregnated with chemical reactants, making possible the deciphering of a few lines in early writings, and have been examined under UV light at the Palais de Justice. Thus, Kögel does not need to repeat the procedure. TLS. [47 274]. 730. From Rashko Zaycoff Sofia, 26 January 1927 Refers to his paper, “Das nicht-holonome Elektron,” which he sent AE (see Abs. 688) and corrects some mistakes. Tells about work on “Grundlagen einer, auf den Prinzipien der Optik begründeten Mechanik.” The fourth part of this work deals with De Broglie’s and Schrödinger’s work. Plans to come to Berlin in February, after taking his exams. ALS. [24 180]. 731. From Henri Barbusse Vigilia, Miramar par Théoule (Alpes-Maritimes), 28 January 1927 Requests AE’s participation on the directors’ committee of the new weekly journal Monde, and requests an article of several pages. Suggests the topic of the immutability of rational principles as the springs of scientific work and discovery, to combat the attacks on rationality and the promulgation of transcendental and supernatural truths. TLS. [34 524]. 732. From W.J.M. van Eysinga Leyden, 28 January 1927 Requests a quick reply to his (nonextant) letter of 22 January. Needs to receive AE’s contribution on Lorentz, to be published in Grotius. TLS. [16 622]. 733. From Hendrik A. Lorentz Pasadena, 30 January 1927 Wishes to invite R. A. Millikan to the Solvay Congress and requests AE’s opinion about it. ALSX. [16 609]. 734. From Leon Steinig Geneva, 31 January 1927 Has submitted his proposal regarding assistance work for unemployed intellectual work- ers (see Abs. 713) to F. Nansen, who has drawn attention to several difficulties. Contin- ues his efforts in behalf of the Internationale Weltstudentenwerk and asks whether AE could write a message to support French students and the promulgation of pacifist ideas. ALS. [48 496]. 735. From Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co. New York, 2 February 1927 Informed Mileva of the $12,000 Argentine bonds (7%, 1927) sold this month. Offers purchase of State of Rio Grande do Sul bonds (7%, 1966) as reinvestment, and requests instructions. TLS. [144 395].