9 4 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 7 715. From Rolland Boris Berlin, 12 January 1927 Sends a memoir by Lamouche, who is currently at the Marine Ministry in Paris. His stay in Berlin is ending. He has employed Hedwig Luxa for eight months but cannot recom- mend her. ALS. [45 642]. 716. From Deutsche Liga für Menschenrechte Berlin, 12 January 1927 In 1927, the Liga will focus on abuses of justice. Funds will be raised through an appeal against miscarriages of justice by Arthur Holitscher, which the league requests that AE sign. TLS. [47 463]. 717. From Edwin R. A. Seligman New York, 14 January 1927 Requests message on promotion of human unity and cooperation for the International Conference for Mutual Understanding to be held 25–28 February at the Ethical Culture Society in New York. TLS. [48 284]. 718. From Oskar Frankl Prague, 15 January 1927 Reiterates invitation (see Abs. 707) that AE speak on the occasion of the tenth anniver- sary of the Urania in March. TLS. [48 650]. 719. From Oskar Frankl [Prague, after 15 January 1927] As a follow-up to Abs. 718, expresses again hope that AE will come to Prague in March and bring Elsa Einstein as well. ALS. [48 651]. 720. To Oskar Frankl [Berlin, after 15 January 1927] In reply to Abs. 718, AE regrets that he cannot accede to his request. ALSf. [48 651.1]. 721. To Friedrich Glum Berlin, 16 January 1927 Recommends the mathematician Prashanta Mahalanobis, friend of Rabindranath Ta- gore, who wishes to visit the Kaiser Wilhelm institutes. ALS. [77 540]. 722. From Deutsche Liga für Menschenrechte Berlin, 17 January 1927 Following up on Abs. 716, enclosed is the appeal by Arthur Holitscher. Requests AE’s reply. TLS. [47 464]. 723. From Felix Ehrenhaft [Vienna, 17 January 1927] Thanks for AE’s (nonextant) letter of 18 December 1926 and (nonextant) recommenda- tion for Emanuel Wasser to the International Education Board (see Abs. 670). An inter- vention with Karl Rosenberg will await further instructions from AE (see Abs. 666). TLS. [10 375]. 724. From Louis Schulman New York, 17 January 1927 Owner of The Complete Paper Box Supply House, and a bookbinder, offers a copy of Gadbury 1658. TLS. [48 429]. 725. From Polizei-Präsidium Berlin Berlin, 19 January 1927 Informs that approval for the money collection initiated by the Rote Hilfe in behalf of its children’s homes (see Abs. 661 and Abs. 696) was explicitly denied by the Staats- kommissar für die Regelung der Wohlfahrtspflege in Berlin, and that therefore AE’s signature on the appeal contravenes regulations. Requests that AE abstain from further action on this matter. TLS. [48 163]. 726. From Rote Hilfe Berlin, 21 January 1927 In the matter of Abs. 725, a meeting with be held this same evening to discuss an appro- priate reply to the chief of police and members of the board will be kept informed. TLS. [48 164].