I N T E R V I E W W I T H E I N S T E I N 969 W ISH DAILY BULLETIN ONLY E N G L I S H D A I L Y RECORD OF J E W I S H NEWS. New York, N. Y., Thursday, N o v . 11, 1926. En t. as 2nd C lass M atter N o. 616. at Post Office, New York ALBERT EINSTEIN, IN J.T.A. INTERVIEW, URGES COMPLETION OF JEWISH AGENCY AND UNITY IN AMERICAN JEWRY Comments on Weizmann's Mission to United States Praises Louis Marshall Russian Colonization Not Opposed to Palestine, He Says (Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Berlin, Nov. 10— Prof. Albert Ein- stein, in an interview with the repre- sentative of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency here, has expressed his satis- faction at Dr. Weizmann's arrival in New York to head the new Palestine Campaign in the United States and to conclude his negotiations for the ex- tension of the Jewish Agency. "I hope,” Prof. Einstein said, "that Dr. Weizmann’s endeavors in the direction of extending the Jewish Agency, will be crowned with success. Everything is desirable that tends towards a con- centration of Jewish forces on behalf BRITISH LEADERS RESENT SOCIAL DISCRIMINATION DIRECTED AGAINST JEWS “British Born Jews Are British,” Is Argument (Jewish Telegraphic Agency) London, Nov. 10.—British born Jews are British and should not be subject to social prejudice and discrimination, is the view held by the sane elements in Great Britain. This developed in the ease of a Jew- ish woman who was barred from mem- bership in the Mid-Surrey Golf Club. The incident, revealed by the London "Daily Express,” created a stir. Many members of the club have expressed their resentment against the attitude of the membership committee of the club. Sir Robert Donald, former chairman of the Empire Press Union, published a protest declaring that “British born jews are British, If you ostracize the Jews, why not ostracize the irish, the Scotch, the Welsh, the Catholics and the Free Thinkers ?” The Club has many Jews as members but recently a prepudice is manifest against electing more Jews to member- ship. POLISH GOVERNMENT DENOUNCES ECONOMIC BOYCOTT AGAINST JEWS (Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Warsaw, Nov. 10.—The first public declaration of the Polish government denouncing the boycott policy against Jews was made yesterday. The de- of the reconstruction of Palestine. It is a matter of great regret to me that the Jewish people is split up into par- ties. The upbuilding of Palestine is a gigantic task which demands a tre- mendous effort on the part of the Jew- ish people as a united force. I wish, therefore, from my heart that Dr. Weizmann may succeed in carrying through his mission. “I recall very vividly," Professor Ein- stein went on, “my meeting with Mr. Louis Marshall, the President of the American Jewish Committee, with whom Dr. Weizmann is to conduct his negotiations. He made a very excel- lent impression on me. I see in him a strong personality and a convinced and good Jew who is honestly and sin- cerely concerned to serve the Jewish cause. “I should particularly regret it,” Pro- fessor Einstein continued, “if the nego- tiations were to fail because of the con- troversies over the question of Jewish colonization in Russia. Although I be- lieve that it is only in Palestine that work of lasting value can be achieved and that everything that is done in the Diaspora countries is only a palliative, I nevertheless hold that the efforts which are being made to colonize Jews in Russia must not be opposed because they aim at assisting thousands of Jews whom Palestine cannot immediately absorb. On this ground, these efforts seem to me worthy of support. I do not, therefore, believe that the money which is expended in Russia on Jewish colonization is being wasted. Whether the necessary guarantees exist for the success of this colonization work, I cannot say without first having been on the spot. But if the colonization is successful, it will ultimately be of benefit also to us because it will mean a strengthening of the Jewish people and every effort, every factor, which strengthens our people, even if only morally or indirectly, is justified. “We ought, perhaps also to test,” Professor Einstein declared, "whether, if Transjordania is opened up to Jew- ish immigration, Palestine would not itself provide an opportunity of colon- (Continued on Page 8)
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