970 A P P E N D I X E JEWISH DAILY BULLETIN 8 EINSTEIN, IN INTERVIEW, URGES JEW ISH AGENCY BE SPEEDILY COMPLETED (Continued from Page 1) ization on a big scale. In no case can I accept the view that the crisis which is reported from Palestine, must in- fluence our further upbuilding work The crisis, when all is said and done, has been brought about by the fact that many Jews have immigrated from Poland because of the pressure of po- litical and economic measures enforced by the Polish Government. Naturally, Palestine unprepared for such a large immigration, could not immediately ab- sorb the immigrants. “The Jews of all countries must in- crease their efforts not only to maintain that which has already been created in Palestine but to make possible a rapid growth of our work. “Thousands of Jews who are today suffering, under the unbearable pressure of economic conditions or of anti-Semi- tic persecutions could find a homeland in Palestine if the Jewish people would provide the funds which are necessary for the upbuilding work.” The anti-Semitic movement is on the wane, Professor Einstein thinks. It is no longer so virulent and active as it was a few years ago. The League of Nations, the pan-European movement and other similar tendencies, he be- lieves, are gradually creating a concili- atory atmosphere which is resulting also in a more tolerant attitude towards the Jews. As to the allegation made by the an- ti-Semites that the Jews have a large number of mediocre talents but have very few creative personalities, Profes- sor Einstein said "that is a mistake. The Jews distinguished themselves especially in the field of discovery. Public opinion would be astounded to find how many Jews there were among the discoverers, if proper statistics were compiled on the subject.” Jerusalem, Nov. 10.—An appeal to the Jews of the world to support the Pal- estine Foundatior Fund, the stain ganization, was issued by Rabbi A. J. Rook, Chief Rabbi of Palestine. rhour through which the work of up- tbuilding Palestine is now passing and rasks for generous contributions. Glikin, well known Palestinian, found- a visit to the United States for this purpose. elied afted American hotels and will (Jewish Daily Bulletin) The Ladies Mizrachi Organization was formed here today at a special, tended**b°*fift*C-four^womcn lecting funds for public institutions in which the traditions of Judaism will ^ EJ o T«T CAMPAIGN FOR $40,000 (Jewish Daily Bulletin) Allentown, Pa., Nov. 10.—Eighteen thousand dollars toward this city's Bronc, Sam Perkin, diaries' LuriaJ V ° R n‘aS- hS' HT0ff?*an-1 H. Haltzel, $600. ’ Charles Klein was