2 4 4 D O C U M E N T 2 3 5 M A R C H 1 9 2 6 234. Calculations [Berlin, after 23 March 1926][1] [Not selected for translation.] 235. From Hans Reichenbach Ostheim, Stuttgart, Teckstr. 75, 24 March 1926 Dear Mr. Einstein, I thank you cordially for your letter of March 20[1] and for having written to the Amerika-Institut. About Prague, I privately received news recently from an acquaintance that the situation does not look unfavorable for me per se, but that it could still take a very long time.[2] The matter has gone to committee only now, then it goes to the faculty, and even if the faculty itself wants to have me, it is still not at all certain whether the ministry will set up the position requested by the fac- ulty. The chair isn’t approved yet at all, and under the existing political conditions