D O C U M E N T 2 3 6 M A R C H 1 9 2 6 2 4 5 it is very questionable whether the ministry will grant the university another post. If you wanted to do something for me there, you would have to have a connection to the ministry I think that the faculty and particularly Mr. Ph[ilipp] Frank will surely support me,[3] but the uncertain spot is apparently the ministry in regard to the approval of the post per se. If you were to exchange letters with one of those gentlemen in Prague anyway, it can do no harm, of course, if you happened to speak about me. I have given up all hope for Stuttgart itself recently I had a conversation with the ministerial adviser in charge. They are not thinking at all about creating a bud- geted position. Now they don’t even want to supplement my stipend from the Notgemeinschaft[4] with additional support for a private lecturer so that I could at- tain the salary of an assistant. That is why in any circumstance it would be best for me to go to America for a period of 1–2 years (that is how long the matter in Prague could still take). If I found a sphere of influence there, I would also stay there. I was very glad that you agreed with my Γ-critique. I have now completed a small consideration of this subject, which also seems to me to prove why Weyl’s idea, good though it is mathematically, offers nothing of physical novelty.[5] The geometric interpretation of electricity is, of course, only a visualization that itself states nothing and is just as feasible in the original theory of relativity. I enclose herewith the note and would be very grateful for your perusal. My causality essay really is something other than the statistical interpretation of causality.[6] In fact nothing is altered about the existing effect of causality, and yet a temporal direction results.[7] This does not mean anything in the conventional sense, that the world is developing toward the most probable state, but rather in an entirely different way. With kind regards, I am your Hans Reichenbach 236. To Elsa Einstein [Paris,] Thursday. [25 March 1926] Dear Else, Arrived happily. Today and tomorrow meeting the entire day.[1] Evening now. Ate with Langevin[2] in a small restaurant (divine broad beans). This evening again at Luchaire’s.[3] Possibly I will stay the 30th as well. Warm regards, your Albert