3 6 2 D O C . 3 6 7 M E S S A G E F O R P R O T E S T M E E T I N G 367. Message for the Protest Meeting against the Bill for the Protection of Minors against Obscene and Pulp Literature [Einstein 1926t] Dated [before 10 September 1926][1] Published [after 10 September 1926] In: Vereinigung linksgerichteter Verleger. Weg mit dem Schmutz- und Schundgesetz! Protest-Kundgebung gegen den Gesetzentwurf zur Bewahrung der Jugend vor Schmutz- und Schundschriften am 10. September 1926 im Plenarsaal des ehemaligen Herrenhauses Berlin, Leipziger Strasse 3. Berlin: Vereinigung linksgerichteter Verleger, 1926, p. 56. I do not fail to appreciate the good intention that is behind this proposed legis- lation. There is a literature that does indeed have a harmful influence on young peo- ple. However, the evils that such a law would entail seem intolerable to me. Paternalism has weakness and stultification as prerequisites and—as consequences.[2] 368. To Elsa Einstein [Düsseldorf,] Thursday [23 September 1926] Dear Else, Silent for a long time, but too much was going on as usual.[1] Tagore[2] is coming tomorrow. I want to try to catch him. The meetings are almost finished it was quite nice so I’m glad I came, especially since the bigwig attendance was moreover weak. My hosts are so good and kind to me that I would like to stay put a while longer.[3] I still haven’t heard anything from Maschke,[4] so I don’t know whether he’s coming. Hopefully things are going well with you, or at least tolerably.[5] Warm regards, your Albert