D O C U M E N T 5 0 5 M A R C H 1 9 2 7 4 9 9 states—as experience, so to say, directly shows—seems at first hardly deducible from a theory of fields working with differential equations. The method of De Broglie and Schrödinger, which has, in a certain sense, the character of a theory of fields, does deduce, on the basis of differential equations, from a sort of consider- ations of resonance the existence of purely discrete states and their transition into one another in amazing agreement with the facts of experience but it has to dispense with a localization of the mass-particles and with strictly causal laws.[14] Who would be so venturesome as to decide today the question whether causal law and differential law, these ultimate premises of Newton’s treatment of nature, must definitely be abandoned? Translators’ note: Translation from the Manchester Guardian Weekly, Friday, 25 March 1927, 234– 235. 504. Greetings for the Commemoration of Newton’s Bicentenary [Einstein 1927l] Published 26 March 1927 In: Nature 119 (1927): 467. [See documentary edition for English text.] 505. To the Editor in Chief of Der Schild [1] [Berlin, after 29 March 1927][2] Please do not send me your newspaper again.[3] This imitation of the goyim’s[4] evil ¢intellectual² ethical attitudes (glorification of mass murder), com- bined with tail wagging, heroism, and hypocrisy, is intolerable to me. Respectfully, A. E.