D O C U M E N T 5 0 5 M A R C H 1 9 2 7 7 9 1 Published in Nature 119 (1927): 467. Reprinted in Science 65 (1927): 347–348. [1]Translation of a later version of Doc. 494, which is no longer extant. See Doc. 494, note 1 for more details. 505. To the Editor in Chief of Der Schild [1] [Berlin, after 29 March 1927][2] Ich bitte Sie mir Ihre Zeitung nicht wieder zu senden.[3] Diese Nachahmung übler ¢geistiger² ethischer Einstellungen der „Gojim”[4] (Verherrlichung des Massenmordes), verbunden mit Schwanzwedeln, Heldentum und Heuchelei ist mir unerträglich. Hoch A. E. ADftLS. [48 397]. Written on the bottom of the verso of Abs. 810. [1]Der Schild was the weekly of the Reichsbund jüdischer Frontsoldaten. The federation had been founded in February 1919 and was aimed at combating anti-Semitism and representing the German- Jewish veterans of World War I. [2]Dated by reference to Abs. 810. [3]See Abs. 810, in which the Reichsbund requested that Einstein agree to subscribe to their weekly. [4]Yiddish for “gentiles.”