V O L . 1 5 , D O C U M E N T 1 8 J U LY 1 9 2 5 2 7 ALS (Christie’s online auction sale 16447, 2–9 May 2018, lot 36). [97 163]. The letter is addressed “Frau Dr. M. Einstein-Winteler Colonnata-Firenze Italia” and postmarked “Berlin-Wilmersdorf 13.7.25 2–3 N[achmittags],” with secondary postmark “Colonnata (Firenze) 15.7.25.” [1] This is the complete text of Vol. 15, Doc. 18, where only an extract was published. [2] Hans Albert and Eduard Einstein. [3] Einstein had presented his new approach to a unified field theory Einstein 1925t to the PAW three days earlier (see Vol. 15, Doc. 17). [4] At the gyrocompass factory of Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe. [5] On his tour of South America, see Vol. 14, Introduction, pp. lxxiv–lxxxii. [6] Einstein had rejoined the ICIC a year previously (see “On Rejoining the International Commit- tee on Intellectual Cooperation,” 25 June 1924 [Vol. 14, Doc. 274]). [7] At the time, Germany’s entrance into the League of Nations was intricately linked to its negoti- ations with the Allies on a number of other issues, most notably the future of Alsace-Lorraine, the question of disarmament, and the terms for a “security compact” with France and the United Kingdom that would guarantee the three nations not attack each other. Within the German government, chan- cellor Hans Luther and foreign minister Gustav Stresemann strongly supported Germany’s joining the League, yet their right-wing nationalist coalition partners were extremely wary of such a step (see New York Times, 3 July 1925 Vossische Zeitung, 10 and 16 June 1925, ME, and Wintzer 2006, pp. 501–504). Einstein had expressed cautious optimism about growing support for Germany’s entrance into the League of Nations in late 1924 (see Einstein to Paul Langevin, 16 December 1924 [Vol. 14, Doc. 398]). [8] Retired general Paul von Hindenburg (1847–1934) had been elected president of Germany on 26 April 1925 (see Berliner Tageblatt, 27 April 1925, EE). [9] Margot Einstein. [10] Paul Winteler.