1 9 0 D O C U M E N T 9 7 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 7 TLS. [10 170]. [1] Marie Curie-Skłodowska (1867–1934) was Professor of Physics at the Sorbonne and member of the ICIC. Curie had recommended that Ehrenfest obtain a report on the plight of Russian scholars and writers for discussion at the ICIC (see Paul Ehrenfest to Marie Curie-Skłodowska, 1 December 1927 [10 171]). [2] The report was compiled by Boris Elkin of the Hilfskomitee für russische Schriftsteller und Gelehrte E. V. The committee was established in 1920 to alleviate the plight of scholars, teachers, writers, and journalists who had emigrated to Germany from Russia, predominantly in 1922 (see unti- tled report [10 172]). [3] Hendrik A. Lorentz. [4] Semen L. Frank (1877–1950) was an exiled Professor of Philosophy from Moscow State Uni- versity. [5] Frank’s wife was Tatyana S. Bartseva (1886–1984). Their four children were Victor (1909– 1972), Alexei (1910–1969), Natalia (1912–1999), and Vassily (1920–1996). [6] Arthur Honegger (1892–1955) was a Swiss composer. Paul Hindemith (1895–1963) was a German composer. [7] “Kräftiger” is interlineated in Ehrenfest’s hand at the end of the preceding paragraph, with an arrow pointing at “FARBIGKEIT.” [8] Most likely a reference to the poor health of Ilse Kayser-Einstein (see Docs. 81, 120). [9] Elsa, Ilse, and Margot Einstein. [10] The following two postscripts are in Ehrenfest’s hand. [11] Tatiana Ehrenfest (1905–1984) was studying mathematics and physics at the University of Leyden. The “doctoraalexamen” was the final university examination. [12] Tatiana Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa was teaching thermodynamics and statistical mechanics at the University of Simferopol in the Soviet Union (see Reinders 2018, p. 46).