D O C . 2 9 7 M A S S E S , N O T I N D I V I D U A L S 4 5 5 Translation “Masses, Not Individuals” I consider an inventor someone who has found a new combination of already ex- isting devices for a more economical satisfaction of human needs. One’s capacity for free, constructive, and combinational thought, as well as en- thusiasm and passion for this work is something I consider to be inborn. Without knowledge it is impossible to invent, just as it is impossible to make verses without knowing language. Because knowledge in most cases depends on advantageous life circumstances and is not only a matter of education, but also one of being fa- miliar with production and its problems, one’s natural capacities are therefore a necessary but not a sufficient condition for creating new, socially useful inventions. An inventor must have an inborn drive, and enthusiasm, and patience, and knowledge, and awareness of economic problems. An inventor does not depend on the “circles” from which he has risen, but rather on his own scientific experience and frame of mind. In my view, it is entirely unimportant to which category or social stratum the in- ventor belongs. It is only important to distinguish a true inventor from among the crowd of fanatics-illusionists, and to make it possible for him to realize precisely the worthwhile ideas. I would not suggest organizing a collective of inventors, owing to the difficulty of determining who a true inventor is. I think all that would come of it is a society of do-nothings, shirking away from work. It would be much more appropriate to create a small commission for testing and supporting inventions. I think this should be possible in a country where the people themselves are in charge of their econo- my. To invent is to increase the numerator in the following ratio: Monopoly right for exploitation of inventions is necessary in a free economy, because it works as a stimulus for inventive activity and rewards one for spent re- sources and labor. On the other hand, it is often rather damaging to ban the produc- tion of newly invented technical improvements, because it can restrict the work of other enterprises or individuals. It is rather undesirable to patent the production of goods produced labor spent --------------------------------------