5 1 6 D O C . 3 4 2 C H E M I C A L & B I O L O G I C A L W A R F A R E F R A N K F U R T C O N FER E N C E G eneral Council Rear-Admiral J. D. Allen, C.B. (Great Britain). Dr. Anita Augspurg (Germany). Professor P hilip N oel Baker, M .P., M .A. (Great Britain). Madame Dr. B. Bakker-N ort, M .P. (Netherlands). Roger Baldwin (U.S.A.). Professor R obert Barany (Sweden). Generalfeldarzt F. Bauer (Sweden). H eber Blankenhorn (U.S.A.). Professor K ristine Bonnevie (Norway). Karl Bonnevie (Norway). Dr. h.c. R obert Bosch (Germany). Professor A. A. Bowman (Great Britain). Professor Dr. G. Bredig (Germany). A . F enner Brockway, M .P. (Great Britain). H. Runham Brown (Great Britain). F erdinand Buisson, President of the Ligue des Droits de l’Homme (France). Professor S idney Chapman, F.R .S. (Great Britain). Viscount Cecil of Chelwood, P.C., K .C. (Great Britain). Brigadier-General F. P. Crozier, C.B., D.S.O., C.M .G. (Great Britain). H ugh D alton, M .P. (Great Britain). F rancois D elaisi (France). Canon L ewis D onaldson, M .A . (Great Britain). Vice-Admiral D rury-L owe, S.A . (Great Britain). Sir Stanley E ddington, F.R .S. (Great Britain). The Right Rev. W illiam M oore Ede, Dean of Worcester (Great Britain). Professor Dr. F. E hrenhardt (Austria). Professor A lbert E instein (Germany). Madame van U talie van E mbden (Netherlands). Professor Dr. D. van E mbden, Senator (Netherlands). Dr. A . F erriere, Deputy Director of International Education Office (Switzerland). Frau H enni F orchhammer, Delegate to the League of Nations (Denmark). Professor Auguste F orel (Switzerland). Senator L ynn F razer (U.S.A.). Dr. K arl F ries, International Secretary, Y .M .C.A . (Great Britain). 85