D O C . 3 4 2 C H E M I C A L & B I O L O G I C A L W A R F A R E 515 84 C H E M IC A L W A R F A R E For these reasons, and with this object in view, we, the under- signed, declare that our first duty is to protest against all war in principle, against the use that warfare makes of the best results of scientific work, and against the influence of all prejudices or interests which support the barbarous tradition of settling inter- national difficulties by methods of violence. P A U L L A N G E V IN (France) [Professor at the Collège de France.] This Declaration has already been signed by distinguished scientists in many countries and is still open for signature. Forms may be obtained from the Secretary, Women’s Inter- national League for Peace and Freedom, 12 rue du Vieux Collège, Geneva, Switzerland. [3]