8 0 2 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 1 – 1 9 2 5 Vol. 12, 231a. To Maja Winteler-Einstein [Berlin,] 6 September 1921 Forwarded Paul Winteler’s letter with a cover letter. Met with Dernburg but did not hear of the letter. Apparently everything is settled. Pauli should attend the sessions. 16 September will meet with Hans Albert in Innsbruck, then go to Bologna where he lectures in Italian, then will visit Maja. In early October visits the Netherlands. Hans Albert plays the piano well, and happy when plays with AE. Owns a summer house on the Havel. A fragment of this letter was published in Vol. 12, Calendar, p. 469. ALS. [97 147]. Vol. 12, 251a. To Elisabeth Piccini [Berlin,] October 1921 In remembrance to the naturalist lady at whose feet he sat for two days. ADS. [97 121]. Vol. 12, 260a. To Maja Winteler-Einstein [Berlin, 8 October 1921] Arrives around 17 October at Florence with Hans Albert. Asks Paul Winteler to deposit money in Lucerne because has problems with German revenue office. AKS. [97 148]. Vol. 12, 314a. To Paul Winteler [Berlin, 7 December 1921] His lectures in Bologna turned out better than expected (see Vol. 12, pp. 476–477 for AE’s lecture schedule). In Zurich met with [Emile?] Mathias. Asks Winteler to make sure Mileva receives her financial assistance in a timely manner. AKS. [97 149]. Vol. 13, 388a. To Maja Winteler-Einstein [Berlin,] 2 September 1922 Characterizes his sons. Remembers the time he spent with them in Spandau. There is great misery in Germany, rationing is expected as during the war. AKS. [97 154]. Vol. 14, 24a. To Maja Winteler-Einstein and Paul Winteler Berlin, 15 April 1923 Back from a wonderful trip in Japan, informs that the financial consortium (SAG) has been dissolved. They will receive a separation payment. Glad for the Nobel Prize money, which will secure Mileva Einstein and the boys’ financial future. Has turned down an appointment offer from Rome (see Vol. 14, Doc. 12). Has found a wonderful extension of general relativity. Is happy with the “brilliant” confirmation of his theory by the United States eclipse expeditions (see Vol. 14, Doc. 14). For details and Maja’s reply, see Vol. 14, Doc. 26. ALS. [97 155]. Vol. 14, 360a. To Maja Winteler-Einstein Kiel, 20 May 1924 Praises the picture of their house. In Kiel, he works, sails, and eats. Characterizes Miss Scheussler. Declined participation in Congress of Philosophy in Naples (see Vol. 14, Doc. 235). AKS. [97 158]. Vol. 14, 443a. To Maja Winteler-Einstein and Paul Winteler Lucerne, 1 October 1924 No need to give him back the 1,000 francs. The retired visitors will arrive soon, they will be better boarders than young girls. Is now participating in the Swiss Naturforscherver- sammlung, and will then visit Uncle Caesar Koch and Leyden. AKS. [97 160]. Vol. 14, 493a. To Maja Winteler-Einstein and Paul Winteler [Berlin, 4 November 1924] Asks how much they owe on the mortgage. Will be traveling to Argentina in March. Has visited his uncle C. Koch, who is frail. Is much too busy and has insufficient time for pondering. AKS. [97 161]. Vol. 14, 677a. To Juan Carlos Acevedo [Montevideo, 30 April 1925] In memory of nice hours spent together. ADS. [97 259]. Vol. 15, 146a. To Leonard Ornstein [Berlin,] 16 October 1925. Dr. Lehmann collects money for sheltering Eastern European Jewish orphans in Pales- tine. Requests he be introduced to Dutch Jewish circles. ALS. [97 345].