C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 6 – 1 9 2 7 8 0 3 Vol. 15, 245a. To Jakob Klatzkin Berlin, 11 January 1926 S. Jacoby informs that AE will be available only on 24 January, since on 17 January he will still be in Paris. TLS. [86 589]. Vol. 15, 528a. To “Herr K.” [Berlin],] after 2 July 1926 Does not know Krebs personally, but the information received from him is as reliable as if it had come from AE himself. ADftLS. [36 636]. Vol. 15, 564a. From Joaquin Gallo Tacubaya, 24 August 1926 The press announced that AE intends to visit Mexico, and this has raised his hope to see him. Was requested by Minister Ramón P. de Negrio to ask whether this news is true. TLS. [123 512]. Vol. 15, 576a. To Wirtschaftshilfe der Deutschen Studentenschaft. Amerika- Werkstudenten-Dienst Berlin, 4 September 1926 S. Jacoby informs on behalf of AE that he cannot recommend any companies in America. TLC. [45 095]. Vol. 15, 611a. To Gustav Bradt Berlin, 24 October 1926 S. Jacoby encloses on behalf of AE a check in the amount of 500 M for the Akademie der Wissenschaft des Judentums. TLC. [45 269]. Vol. 15, 611b. Process for Refrigeration Berlin, 25 October 1926 AE and L. Szilard apply for patenting an absorption refrigerator in which the refrigerant and the auxiliary agent are separated by diffusion through a semipermeable wall. Five embodiments are claimed. Granted to Platen-Munters Refrigerating Systems Aktiebolag in Stockholm to which the application was sold. Inventors’ names are from a note of the German Patent Office [99 160]. Reichspatentamt Patentschrift Nr. 499 830. PD. [97 103]. Vol. 15, 622a. To Nikolay Krestinsky Berlin, 31 October 1926 SJ informs that AE and his wife are unfortunately unable to accept the USSR ambassa- dor’s invitation for the evening of 7 November [the anniversary of the October 1917 Revolution], since they are already otherwise engaged. TLC. [44 217]. Vol. 15, 655a. To Kamil Krofta Berlin, 28 November 1926 S. Jacoby informs that AE and wife are unable to accept Czechoslovak ambassador’s in- vitation for 9 December, since they are already otherwise committed for that evening. TLC. [44 222]. Vol. 15, 655b. To Reichskanzlei Berlin, 28 November 1926 S. Jacoby informs that AE regrets being unable to accept the Reichskanzler’s invitation for 30 November, since he is already otherwise committed for that evening. TLC. [44 726]. Vol. 15, 681a. Process and Device for Refrigeration Berlin, 16 December 1926 AE and L. Szilard apply for patenting an absorption refrigerator in which butane is used as refrigerant, sulfuric acid as absorbent, and water as auxiliary agent or methyl bro- mide as refrigerant, water as absorbent, and ammonia, sulfurous acid, or carbonic acid as auxiliary agent. Submitted by and granted to Platen-Munters Refrigerating System Aktiebolag to which the invention was sold. PD. Reichspatentamt Patentschrift Nr. 525 833. [97 104]. Vol. 15, 701a. From Marie Müller-Winteler [1927] Wishes to divorce. Seeks AE’s help in finding a position as companion of a veteran. ALf. [48 796].