8 2 6 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 7 238. To Josef Weber [Berlin,] 3 November 1927 In reply to Abs. 224, informs that a German eclipse expedition is planned. The most im- portant issue seems to be that the scale value not be taken from the area surrounding the Sun, but from special photographs, since otherwise the law of the decrease of light bend- ing toward the outside cannot result with the necessary precision. Requests additional clarifications regarding the position in Vienna. TLC. [23 293]. 239. From Eigenbrödler-Verlag Berlin, 3 November 1927 Requests contribution to the F. Kortner book, edited by H. Böhm and H. Ludwig. TLS. [47 292]. 240. From the International Labour Bureau (Fernand Maurette) Geneva, 3 November 1927 On behalf of J. Destrée, invites the committee members of the first gathering of the Commission for Intellectual Workers to a dinner on 19 December in Brussels. TLS. [34 957]. 241. From Neue Leipziger Zeitung Leipzig, 4 November 1927 For a series titled “My Parents,” requests a contribution of fewer than one hundred printed lines. TLS. [47 727]. 242. To Max Bergmann [Berlin,] 5 November 1927 The work sent to him is not suitable for publication (see Abs. 194). Would be happy to read other works. TLC. [45 580]. 243. To Eigenbrödler-Verlag [Berlin,] 5 November 1927 Although he admires F. Kortner, does not feel competent to collaborate on the proposed book (see Abs. 239). TLC. [47 293]. 244. To Bruno Kittel [Berlin,] 5 November 1927 Just recently returned from a congress abroad, received the invitation to his concert too late. TLC. [47 245]. 245. To Paul Knedel [Berlin,] 5 November 1927 Cannot comment on the entirely unclear and unsubstantiated statements. Returns Knedel’s letter. TLC. [47 267]. 246. To Heinrich Loewe [Berlin,] 5 November 1927 In reply to Abs. 217, is available for a meeting if it is not too late. Informs that consid- erable scientific literature has accumulated in his apartment, ready for shipping to Palestine. TLC. [36 926]. 247. To S. Pretzel (Frauenverein Rahel) [Berlin,] den 6 November 1927 AE’s secretary informs that AE is unable to participate in the tea and ball planned for 20 November. TLC. [46 301]. 248. To Hans Wagner [Berlin,] 6 November 1927 In reply to Abs. 214 and the enclosed essay by Hartweck, informs that it is so full of con- tradictions to the current state of knowledge that he cannot take the time to comment on each point. Remarks that it is absolutely certain that the light mill is not caused by the action of radiation, but by the impact of gas molecules on the various wings of the light mill. Hartweck’s views would be easily refuted by physicists. TLC. [25 104]. 249. From Émile Meyerson Paris, 6 November 1927 Thanks for AE’s reply (Abs. 237), and will send the modified draft for AE’s approval soon. ALS. [18 292].