C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 7 8 2 7 250. From Leonid O. Pasternak [Berlin, after 6 November 1927] Thanks AE and Elsa, and explains that he needs advance preparation for setting up a por- trait session. Given that the exhibition opening is imminent, and because the catalog has to be prepared in advance, an oil painting of AE will not be ready in time. Hopes they will continue to play music together. ALS. [34 181]. 251. From Eigenbrödler-Verlag Berlin, 7 November 1927 In reply to Abs. 243, reiterates its request and informs AT that they do not wish to re- nounce his contribution to the Kortner book along those of A. Kerr, L. Jessner, G. Stresemann, Th. Wolff, C. H. Becker, F. Harris, K. Kollwitz, G. B. Shaw, and others. TLS. [47 295]. 252. From Armi Inkeri Hallsten-Kallia (League of Nations) Geneva, 7 November 1927 Kristine Bonnevie has agreed to be AE’s substitute on the Steering Commission of In- tellectual Workers. TLS. [34 959]. 253. From Heinrich Loewe Berlin, 7 November 1927 In reply to Abs. 246, proposes a meeting with O. Cohn on the Ginzburg library on Sat- urday 12 November at 6 P.M. in AE’s apartment. He will order a few boxes and have the printed matter packed by a young man whom S. Jacoby can direct. TLS. [36 927]. 254. From Heinrich Zangger Zurich, 7 November 1927 In reply to Doc. 81, informs that he has written to P. Scherrer that W. Bothe should be approached soon. They have also considered L. Brillouin and L. de Broglie one ought to make further inquiries about P. Jordan, whose reviews in Naturwissenschaften were brilliant, but who may have some health issues. TLS. [40 066]. 255. To Eigenbrödler-Verlag [Berlin,] 9 November 1927 Following up on Abs. 251, encloses contribution on F. Kortner (Einstein 1928c [Doc. 98]). TLC. [47 297]. 256. To Heinrich Loewe [Berlin,] 9 November 1927 He agrees to the meeting time proposed in Abs. 253. S. Jacoby no longer works for AE therefore it is unclear that he can find a man for book packing. TLC. [36 929]. 257. From Deutscher Pazifistischer Studentenbund Charlottenburg, 9 November 1927 Requests that AE chair the rally “Gegen Kulturreaktion und Kriegshetzte” on 17 No- vember at the Luisenschule. P. Östreich, P. Levi, and H. Ströbel will be the speakers. TLS. [47 829]. 258. From Carl Heinrich Becker Berlin, 10 November 1927 Following up on communication of 21 October 1926 (nonextant), sends copy of confi- dential letter addressed on 8 September 1927 by G. Stresemann to all government min- istries to the effect that all participants in the work of various committees of the League of Nations keep the Foreign Office informed of their various activities and all politically important proceedings and trends. Such reporting can be brief. This has not always been the case for civil servants. TLS. [34 841]. 259. From Geertruida L. de Haas-Lorentz [Leyden,] 11 November 1927 Is anxious about Wander J. de Haas. After having a serious but successful operation, he is depressed. Feels he is not appreciated. His valuable achievements are cited under oth- ers’ names or not mentioned by others, among them even by Lorentz. No invitations to congresses. Shares all this only for information, because De Haas would reject any help. ALS. [12 271].
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 7 8 2 7 250. From Leonid O. Pasternak [Berlin, after 6 November 1927] Thanks AE and Elsa, and explains that he needs advance preparation for setting up a por- trait session. Given that the exhibition opening is imminent, and because the catalog has to be prepared in advance, an oil painting of AE will not be ready in time. Hopes they will continue to play music together. ALS. [34 181]. 251. From Eigenbrödler-Verlag Berlin, 7 November 1927 In reply to Abs. 243, reiterates its request and informs AT that they do not wish to re- nounce his contribution to the Kortner book along those of A. Kerr, L. Jessner, G. Stresemann, Th. Wolff, C. H. Becker, F. Harris, K. Kollwitz, G. B. Shaw, and others. TLS. [47 295]. 252. From Armi Inkeri Hallsten-Kallia (League of Nations) Geneva, 7 November 1927 Kristine Bonnevie has agreed to be AE’s substitute on the Steering Commission of In- tellectual Workers. TLS. [34 959]. 253. From Heinrich Loewe Berlin, 7 November 1927 In reply to Abs. 246, proposes a meeting with O. Cohn on the Ginzburg library on Sat- urday 12 November at 6 P.M. in AE’s apartment. He will order a few boxes and have the printed matter packed by a young man whom S. Jacoby can direct. TLS. [36 927]. 254. From Heinrich Zangger Zurich, 7 November 1927 In reply to Doc. 81, informs that he has written to P. Scherrer that W. Bothe should be approached soon. They have also considered L. Brillouin and L. de Broglie one ought to make further inquiries about P. Jordan, whose reviews in Naturwissenschaften were brilliant, but who may have some health issues. TLS. [40 066]. 255. To Eigenbrödler-Verlag [Berlin,] 9 November 1927 Following up on Abs. 251, encloses contribution on F. Kortner (Einstein 1928c [Doc. 98]). TLC. [47 297]. 256. To Heinrich Loewe [Berlin,] 9 November 1927 He agrees to the meeting time proposed in Abs. 253. S. Jacoby no longer works for AE therefore it is unclear that he can find a man for book packing. TLC. [36 929]. 257. From Deutscher Pazifistischer Studentenbund Charlottenburg, 9 November 1927 Requests that AE chair the rally “Gegen Kulturreaktion und Kriegshetzte” on 17 No- vember at the Luisenschule. P. Östreich, P. Levi, and H. Ströbel will be the speakers. TLS. [47 829]. 258. From Carl Heinrich Becker Berlin, 10 November 1927 Following up on communication of 21 October 1926 (nonextant), sends copy of confi- dential letter addressed on 8 September 1927 by G. Stresemann to all government min- istries to the effect that all participants in the work of various committees of the League of Nations keep the Foreign Office informed of their various activities and all politically important proceedings and trends. Such reporting can be brief. This has not always been the case for civil servants. TLS. [34 841]. 259. From Geertruida L. de Haas-Lorentz [Leyden,] 11 November 1927 Is anxious about Wander J. de Haas. After having a serious but successful operation, he is depressed. Feels he is not appreciated. His valuable achievements are cited under oth- ers’ names or not mentioned by others, among them even by Lorentz. No invitations to congresses. Shares all this only for information, because De Haas would reject any help. ALS. [12 271].

